...Are Upon Us

(To the tune of "The Eyes of Texas")

The Days of Thunder are Upon us
all the live long day
the days of thunder are upon us
just to save the U.S.A.
Can't you here the D-Cills roaring
A lead-footin, high pollutin dude
The days of thunder are upon us
Now they've killed more babies and stolen their crude!

God in heaven, God above, be a God of truth and love


Cause the yellow flag of Texas is the only flag for me!

I want you to machine gun along with Rachel Welch, Rock Hudson and the Mitch Miller boys-

But Peter O'Toole and Orson Welles never think much of Nurse Ratchid, do they?

See the trees along the Turnpike, weltered from the smog
It's natures way of telling you, along with mutant frogs

(in explanation- The Yellow Rose of Texas has two major references in my mind- When Rock Hudson was fighting over a baby in a little cafe at the end of GIANT, it was playing on the juke box, and also as a Mitch Miller segment/video where a whole bunch of establishment cowboys are parading around singing it- WHICH was strangely similar to a bit in CASINO ROYAL when Orson Welles was being run down by a bunch of parading bagpipers until Rachel Welch was there machine gunning them all down, except for Peter O'Toole- Nurse Ratchid is the nurse we all cheered when Jack Nicholson strangled her in One Flew Over The Cukcoo's Nest. It's all really old stuff I guess, but not that unknown, and well, I know just about everything there is to know about all this nonsense)


these posts make no sense.

Kif! I've made it with a woman! Inform the men!


Neither do fully grown adult American men driving around like maniacs with numbers and racing stickers in the back window of their pick-up trucks-

I went through that phase myself though- when I was thirteen and had a mini-bike.

I think number 24 passes me the most- NASCAR is an unfortunate thing that couldn't be popular at a less appropriate time

I kinda liked this movie- The Indy driver kicking the ass of all those rednecks- very realistic!

but I simply hate NASCAR and the way it's raised speeds on the nation's roadways


Neither do fully grown adult American men driving around like maniacs with numbers and racing stickers in the back window of their pick-up trucks-

no, but it is their right to do so if they choose. What does this have to do with the movie?

I think number 24 passes me the most- NASCAR is an unfortunate thing that couldn't be popular at a less appropriate time

how exactly does #24 pass you the most? that doesn't make any sense.NASCAR is not a thing, it is an organization. if you meant NASCAR racing, how is this an inappropriate time for it to be popular? and what is your basis for saying this?

I kinda liked this movie- The Indy driver kicking the ass of all those rednecks- very realistic!

the Indy driver "kicking the ass" of the NASCAR drivers is very unrealistic. many have tried, and most have failed. it's not their fault though. it's a completely different kind of racing than they are used to. you've got to be willing to lean on your competiton a little in a NASCAR race, and you can't do that in Indy cars without seriously damaging you car. and who are you calling rednecks?

Kif! I've made it with a woman! Inform the men!


As our cities and countryside become more crowded and traffic greater, the gas guzzling, thunderous, noisy and wreckless example that NASCAR sets couldn't be happening at a worse time

When demand for gas inflates prices and LEANS on the entire economy, I've grown tired of everyone, including fully grown adults who ought to know better hot-rodding past me while driving and roaring past my residence. The NASCAR numbers displayed on their vehicles, most often huge oversized overpowered pick-ups is childish, whether they have the right to have them or not.

Highway speeds have most definitely been tweaked quite a lot by this over-exposed nonsense- creating dangerous conditions and stress on everyone, but most noticably on auto technicians and car manufacturers, while marketing and financial concerns concerns drive the hysteria onward, with endless ads for new cars showing brand new cars being pushed past the limits of common sensibilities

Isn't Number 24 Jeff Gordon- the most popular rear window number- and isn't he the most successful driver, and isn't he from well, INDIANAPOLIS?

I was born and raised there myself and used to be a big 500 fanatic, even past the point it was any longer innovative- but now there's three races at the track a year and it's just overblown

NASCAR is boring and repetitive- I don't see the attraction, but have to live with the downside- whether I like it or not


Right now, a man who feeds some dogs next to my yard is harassing me with a huge noisy truck he drives from one side of my house down a gravel lane to where the dogs are, or up the highway making almost a complete circle of heavy vibration over-sized engine noise. He leaves the truck idling as he feeds the dogs, and otherwise hangs around revving his motor for hours at a time- The effect in here is like being electrically shocked. This is all very intentional- this is how our petroleum supplies are being used-

I believe the dogs are there intentionally and for malicious purpose- exposed in all sorts of whether- never given any affection, and he's never EVER attempted to quiet them in any way- but that's all another story But the effect is two-fold - like pavlov's dogs, the dogs get excited and bark at the sound of the truck- a heavy huge truck hauling dog food to animals that are not even pets, and otherwise neglected

How many more people every year are forced to live next to some stinking noisy freeway, while NASCAR still tacitly promotes speed and power and days of thunder?

(Can Orlando Jones please get another Mellow Yellow machine out there? And stuff it!)

God in heaven, God above, be a God of truth and love


I have not replied to you because I can make little sense of the rambling nonsense you wrote. It seems you are blaming the fall of Western civilization on NASCAR which is just assinine. People have been consuming petroleum resorces for centuries. They have also been speeding,and dying, on the highways of the world for many decades independant of the influence of NASCAR, or any other motorsport for that fact. The price of gas these days is not a reflection of the popularity of NASCAR. It is a direct result of war, natural disasters, and the "few" controlling supply for the "many". Again, I say if someone chooses to drive "oversized, overpowered pickup trucks", that is their right. Who are you to dictate someone's freedom of choice? Perhaps you would like to give up some of your freedoms? Highway speeds were "tweaked" by the Federal government, not under the influence of popular opinion, but by countless studies which showed the formerly imposed limit of 55 mph had little impact on fuel consumption, exhaust emissions, or any related crash data including death and injury rates and property damage.Therefore, it was raised to 65 mph in most places and higher in others. As for Jeff Gordon, yes his number is 24, but no he is not the most popular driver. That distinction goes to the late Dale Earnhardt whose souvenirs and merchandise continues to outsell everyone even five years after his death. Second is his son Dale Earnhardt Jr.,with Gordon coming in third. At any rate, he is not from Indianapolis, and does not even claim Indiana as his home state even though he was born there. His biographical info lists Vallejo, California as home. With the money that motorsports bring to a local economy, you should be grateful there are three races a year at Indy. There are a number of rural communities who lost out big time when NASCAR out grew it's roots and removed race dates from them. I have no idea what point you are trying to make with the post about the dogs. Are you blaming NASCAR because some people mistreat their pets? I don't get it. How exactly is this man harrassing you with his truck? Irritating, maybe. Agitating, perhaps, but harrassing? People are forced to live next to "stinking noisy freeways" because of the population explosion. Land is at a premium, some for housing and some for roads. Therefore, people in some areas must live close to the freeways. This has nothing to do with the popularity or influence of NASCAR. And for the record, Orlando Jones was in a 7-Up commercial not a Mello Yello commercial, but I don't get the connection there either.

Kif! I've made it with a woman! Inform the men!


You think I'm a rambling rose for two reasons-

You are both myopic, and you don't WANT to believe that things are inter-related- Just because auto racing has a past history, doesn't mean that the EXPLOSION of races that NASCSAR has brought us hasn't affected things even more negatively - IT HAS!

Last summer I was watching some idiot doing donuts at the end of my street up on the state highway, smoking his tires and damaging untold car parts- and probably inspired by the race end antics of NASCAR victors-

besides being a disturbance- he'll go out and want top dollar for his used car after driving it like a maniac-

The bullfeathers you offer about speed limits is just that- not accurate or based on any logic or the laws of physics even- but it sure has become popular for people to throw logic out the window when discussing anything on the net-
How can gas guzzling individuals NOT be affecting supply and demand-

My point about the people harassing me- with engine noise- is just that- They apparently have gas to burn just for that purpose- while others struggle to keep basic transportation on the road-

I'm not grateful for three car races in Indianapolis- the city got along just fine without them- and now there is more noise, tension and traffic than ever- and bellieve it or not- more people prone to drive like maniacs after watching this every week on TV- the exceptional and absurd becomes the norm.

Conservatives (who are never really conservative in any real sense of the word as it is defined) are always talking about responsibility, and are always concerned about role-models- but when it comes to something like NASCAR, the concept of responsibility goes out the window, while NASCAR is a poor role model- It may be still within our rights to drive vehicles that disproportionally use the world's fuel resources- but it is not responsible- In fact it's childish and stubborn- and became moreso when SUV's and huge personal pick-up trucks became popular, at about the same time that NASCAR was lighting it's afterburners. With urban noise and gridlock at an all time peak, NASCAR is an unnecessary indulgence- and a burden on us all.

Auto racing, like highway motoring, is not meant to be a contact sport


There goes Peter Revson's tail,
mowing down the Revlon trail,
hippity hop Team Penske's on it's way

(Peter Revson, an heir to the Revlon cosmetics family, drove for Penske back in the '70's He died in an auto race somewhere- like so many others)

God in heaven, God above, be a God of truth and love


There are so many things wrong with your posts, I don't even know where to begin. So, I won't. You are a NASCAR hater, and that is fine. The problem is you really have no idea what you are talking about. I've given you facts and you babble on with tree hugger propaganda and rhetoric. My side of the argument ends here, but that does not mean you have won. I've just grown weary trying to understand you.




Time to make the donuts! This I think you'll understand.

Bubba AbuseFord


That's your opinion. I think your weird. You are probably one the individuals who will be running around in your backyard with an Army helmet screaming the sky is falling as some point in his life. P.S. - Jeff Gordon is from California. He lived in Indianapolis, but he was never an Indy Leauge driver. He drove various asphalt and dirt track series. And if you can't accept that, then I really don't care.


OK- so I'm weird-

about as weird as Gordon's fisherman name, and his Revelations number-

I don't care where he's really from or how many plae sure domes he's won a race in

Maybe Orlando can get another Bush machine out on the freeway, since the big Kyle is so Petty when the boys need their IRL- gag me with some Pure
