MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > ROWDY BURNS INTENT TO INJURE?


in the main crash scene which puts Rowdy out of driving for the rest of the movie and Cole sidelined for a main portion of it, does Rowdy Burns intentionally skid sideways to take Cole out?
The pileup was clearly big and there was probably alot of oil and stuff on the track, but the look that Rowdy Burns gives right before he goes through the smoke could leave some people thinking that he was trying to stop cole from getting through.
Why someone would want to get T-Boned at 150mph is beyond me but when i first watched this, it seemed like he was trying to take him out


Well, if you really hate someone so much that you want to get T-Boned by them at 190 mph, than you go right ahead because you must have some near religous hatred of them. No he didnt try to, he was just hoping that he made it thru and Cole didnt. Theres really no way you can "Try" to skid sideways at that speed to hit someone.


I`ve been in some hair raising crashes and one thing I know is you can`t control a skid. I think and at that speed it would be suicide to try.



Not really....
Dale Earnhardt died from a very soft looking crash, but survived through some of the nastiest flips at 190mph at Daytona.

Also, Why would a driver want to get hit at 190? Theres no way to control a spin like that.


He hit oil and other fluids from the other badly damaged cars and spun out.

Go Tony Stewart


the two nastiest Winston Cup flips at Daytona belong to Rusty Wallace (he walked away) and Darrell WAltrip. both were early 90's and both were on the backstretch.


It's completely possible. The cars are designed to be totally demolished when they flip because as they continue to flip, the car loses more and more energy.

Looking back at the '01 Daytona 500, Tony Stewart had a pretty bad flip earlier in the race but wasn't injured. However, a crash that looked seemingly harmless at first glance took away the sports biggest star.
