MovieChat Forums > Hard to Kill (1990) Discussion > O'malley: worst cop ever?

O'malley: worst cop ever?

He said he had been playing that tape for years and working the case for a year. The senator and his catchphrase is all over tv, very distinctive voice too and he doesn't figure it out? Christ, I could have had it figured out if I was storm who seemingly worked a few cases with him. I would have had it at the first scene


Came here to make this topic. I can tolerate a lot of stupidity in action movies, but this just takes the cake.


Good catch lol I never thought about that. I rememeber O'Malley saying, "Played the tape over and over looking for little quirks in the voices and phrases that repeat....nada."

that line is even funnier now. He found nothing even though he said "phrases that repeat" lol


O'Mally was a doofus and a lousy shot but he had heart. I actually felt sorry for him that he didn't get a chance to go fishing with Storm and caught a big, fat tuna!



Not to mention that when he was pushed out of the police department he didn't bother to sort out with the coma centre a new contact number, its pretty much all his fault that the crooked cops even found out Storm was still alive honestly who gave this guy a badge.


O'Mally was a doofus and a lousy shot but he had heart.[/quote[quote]]... who gave this guy a badge.
No one! He found it in a cereal box, then gave t to his mom for safe keeping.🐭


I think O'Malley was bad cop to Storm's good cop. Storm only had him around for comic relief.

O'Malley never did a thing right. He never figured out who was on the tape, he almost got Grandma killed, almost got Sonny killed by bungling the train station getaway, the idiot used luggage...LUGGAGE!!! fight off the train station baddies, shot all his bullets like Barney Fife, and worst of all, never caught that big tuna!

Storm must have been snickering behind his back all day.


I am cracking the fuck up at your responses... the Barney Fife line made me spit out my coffee.

O'Malley was definitely a buffoon... and what in the glorious fuck is with everyone telling each other that they love them? O'Mall tells Sonny that he loves him as he dies... Mrs. Steven Seagull (at the time) tells Storm she loves him after he just railroaded Colonel Stewart's henchmen in the mansion from the douchebag hall of fame...


"I got a confession to make, Mason. I never looked at that damned tape, I forgot about the whole thing."


Both were very smart cops and this was a great movie. Mason Storm though was just a little smarter than O Malley
