Short but 'rofl' scene

The punches in this film make me crease so much. Don't get me wrong, this is my favourite Seagal film but some things just don't happen in real life lol:

1/. In the hospital, Axel stops to crack the janitor in the face. LOL
2/. At the foot chase at the end Quinterro smashes some guy in the face. This just don't happen lol. I'd have just stopped and told him to "Go over there and eat your own sh*t"



Personally the part that had me in stitches was when they cut to Seagal's face after he's been in a coma for how many years and he's grown this big ass dirty iron-monkey-kung-fu-movie beard.



When he walks up to Hulland and slaps him and Hulland just looks at him. I almost died laughing.
