MovieChat Forums > Hard to Kill (1990) Discussion > Greatest line in movie history...

Greatest line in movie history...

"I'm taking you to the bank, Trent...the BLOOD bank."



It's certainly right up there with the best and it's probably the only thing I can find to reccommend about the film. My favourite remains from "Red Sonja" - another violent dud - where Brigette Nielsen finds her dead sister's corpse. As she holds her dead sibling and cries, Governor Arnold (still can't spell his surname without looking it up) comes over to comfort her. Gently placing a calm hand on her shoulder, he blurts out in that distinctive voice of his "She's dead." Priceless!

Still, at least Seagal has left one legacy in his career.

"As if by magic..."




it was truly awesome. the only thing I can compare it to is another Arnold movie, the awful Raw Deal. Arnold plays a Chicago cop who's been banished to the countryside by the government for roughing up a suspect. His wife heates the rural life even more than he does, and spends her time getting smashed.

Arnold gets home oen day after a hard day to find her wasted, making a cake with the word *beep* written in iced frosting. After she downs some more whisly, she throws it at him. His response, in typical Arnomd deadpan:

"You should not drink and bake."


"He's a bit of a rough diamond but his heart's in the right place."


"Blood bank" and "this is for my wife" definitely are the best Seagal one-liners, but Ahnold will ALWAYS be the champ.

The one-liners and dialogue from Raw Deal, Commando & The Running Man are just are out of this world.


"let off some steam, bennett!"

it's all just so, yeah...the action flick one-liner!
