Nuns' Song?

Would anyone by chance know the name of the song that the two nuns are singing on the black and white t.v. at the beginning of the movie? It's really catchy. And that's a bizarre thing for me to say considering the fact that I'm an Atheist.


i believe if you look at the credits at the end of the movie youll find your answer. and what does the fact that your an atheist have to do with whether or not you like a song. if its to your taste its to your taste regardless. have a good one.

i like these calm little moments before the storm.


You couldn't just tell me? I don't feel like renting the film.


i actually checked out the credits just for you since you may not own this movie as i do its by the "singing nun" and the songs called "dominique" the spelling for the song name is probably wrong but suffice it to say its the female version of dominic..have a good one.

i like these calm little moments before the storm.


Oh thank you so much! I'll totally download it on LimeWire.


Actually..the song is sung by Jeanine Deckers (or stage name Soeur Sourire)

The song was used in a movie based on her life..and that movie was called "the singing nun", starring Debbie Reynolds, and I think they show the clip from that film in Mermaids, which probably explains why the credits say "the singing nun"


Hmm..that last statement I made above must be The Singing Nun (The movie) did not come out until 1966 and the film was set in 63. The song itself came out in 1963, so it makes sense it was a popular song from the time..but why they used the term "the singing nun" in the credits is now beyond me.



That's so odd! Because I like watermelons and fried chicken, but I'm not black. I also run track.


Here's the scoop on The Singing Nun (Jeanine Deckers):

She was also called Soeur Sourire (Smiling Sister).

Here's more info on the song 'Dominique':

And here she's singing the song on YouTube:


One of the great things about IMDB is that they have just about every aspect of the movie covered, including the soundtrack. The nuns name was Jeanne Paule Deckers, "Soeur Sourire", and she was a real nun. She and her....partner....committed suicide together in 1985.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
