i dont get it

was there even anything ABOUT mermaids in this movie?


towards the end of the movie, at the masquerade party, Cher dresses up as a Mermaid.

There was never really an explanation why, just a crazy costume. I worked as an extra in this movie and it was fascinating to see all the behind the scenes work.


Christina Ricci is a swimmer and loves the water. There seemed to be a 'water' theme in this movie. Hm.

My husband looks like Rutger Houer.


Katie was supposed to be the mermaid!!


No she wasen't, if she was a mermaid, then how do you explain the fact that she nearly drowned? It was bc the mom dressed up as a mermaid for the party, although that's not really an important thing in the storyline.




In reply to what Charlotte said -
No she wasen't, if she was a mermaid, then how do you explain the fact that she nearly drowned?

She nearly drowned because Charlotte had given her wine and she was drunk, that was why she hiccuped and fell over. Normally she would have probably been able to swim to the shore, but it's got to be a lot harder drunk! And no, none of them were literal mermaids.


It's a metaphor. This is from a press release about the movie:

Novelist Patty Dann says she chose the title MERMAIDS "because of the dual child/woman natures of Mrs Flax and Charlotte. Even down-to-earth Kate, with her love of swimming, has a streak of mermaid."

"In a sense", continues Dann, "Mrs Flax is like a mermaid. She feels unsafe falling in love with the men she dates, preferring instead to skim the surface of life. To risk total immersion could mean losing her identity and freedom and inviting heartache. As for Charlotte", the author adds, "she resembles a mermaid poised on the shore, waiting to jump in, unsure whether she'll sink or swim."

Offers director Richard Benjamin, "The people in this film don't fit in any category exactly. Charlotte is half girl, half woman. Kate is kind of half girl, half 'fish'. They're in the water out of the water -- mermaids, looking for a place to be. What it means", the director concludes, "is you can't put everybody into a category."


thank you cause i couldnt have even begun to explain that so they would be able to understand it!


I am not sure about what Mermaids is actually about, but I think it is about relationships, Mrs Flax (Cher's) relationship with (Bob Hoskin's character) ???
Mrs Flax's relationship with her daughters and Charlotte's with her bus driver guy, and Katie's with her mother and sister.
or it could be about Charlotte and how her life changed because of Katie drowning or something.
I am not sure what it is about but I love it.


"was there even anything ABOUT mermaids in this movie?"

Did you actualy see the movie? can you understand the story? because if you can, you HAVE to know why the movie is called "Mermaids"...


No---the title is just a metahpor.


Cher's character does attend a New Year's Eve Party in the movie dressed as a mermaid.



this is just my opinion of the matter, but water is an ongoing theme in the movie in the start charlotte is on top of the water ( in the boat with joe)and as the movie goes on she starts to sick and in the she sinks (kate drowning) she then takes a shower washes off her sin and starts fresh. Also the room that they make is like the bottom of the ocean and since there people living at the bottom of the ocean there mermaids


Does anyone know whether thats in the book, though?



umm i think it is, i am reading it right nw for the second time so i will get back to you on that one. but i am pretty sure they do.
