Who'D of Thought???

Damn I never in my life would've thought I would enjoy a movie like this. Screw that,....I LOVE this movie. And I dig mostly action movies. (I'm a dude)
So it was with much surprise that I was totally blown away for various reasons. I have 3 sister's,...My eldest is not unlike Cher's character,...the middle so much like Winona's and my youngest is just like Christina. Damn,...I haven't laughed so hard since the 60's. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyone else relate to the character's in this wonderful flick? Rock ON!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!



I love Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands.
Tim Burton is such a grest director

"I’m curious – after killin’ me what was it you plannin’ on doing next?"
