MovieChat Forums > Music Box (1990) Discussion > Which grandparent told the grandchild th...

Which grandparent told the grandchild the holocaust was exaggerated?

It was never quite clear to me.

"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go."


It was Jessica Lange's ex husband's father,the EX OSS,CIA WASP guy,not the Hungarian one,when the son says that his grandfather had said what he said about the holocaust she assumes it was her father and questions him.
The point was maybe that the allies wanted to forget the nazi crimes because the cold war was on and the SOVIETS were the enemy.

The film shows some understanding of the issues and history of the issues raised.


But when she confronts him, he says he never said that to the boy. I'm thinking it was her dad and Mikey was defending him by lying about the other grand dad.

"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go."


I watched the film the other day on dvd,it was the ex husband's father who told the kid the holocaust was overstated,he did not say it never happened but lots of people start of talking about details and end up as deniers.

Her father could hardly be a holocaust denier but people like him would justify it by talking about communists jews and anti Russian/communism.


The ex OSS one seemed to move in those circles a bit, and when Ann Talbot asked how he could work with those "monsters", he replied that they never seemed to him like monsters, they tended to be "salt of the earth types", like Talbot's father, which was perhaps a hint.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."
