MovieChat Forums > Rocky V (1990) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie?

Why does everyone hate this movie?

I want genuine reasons. The only reason people seem to give is that Rocky's final fight wasn't in the ring. But a bad ending is no reason to hate an entire movie. I actually think the ending was great, just like the whole movie.

Rocky 2-4 were great, but they were pretty much the same as Rocky 1, just not as fresh. By the end of Rocky 4, I was literally laughing. I had just seen the exact same thing four times, and I was supposed to not know what would happen at the end. Before I watched Rocky 5, I was expecting to be really bored and sick of the series and laugh my ass off at the end, but I was amazed by how much I loved it. It took the series to a whole new level, it completely broke free from the traditional formula, and the results were fantastic.

It was full of heart and depth, I cared about the characters more than ever, and I had no idea what to expect. In every scene I was really excited to find out what happens next. There were many deeply touching and heartwarming moments. It's just overall a brilliantly written film. I can't decide whether or not I prefer it to Rocky 1.

If Rocky 5 was the same as the previous movies, the series would've become a huge joke. People make no sense. They complain when sequels are repeats of the previous movies, but they also complain when they're different.


Not everyone hates it tho, I love it.


It's the rap music that I disliked. Just didn't fit the movie.


It was full of heart and depth, I cared about the characters more than ever, and I had no idea what to expect. In every scene I was really excited to find out what happens next. There were many deeply touching and heartwarming moments. It's just overall a brilliantly written film. I can't decide whether or not I prefer it to Rocky 1.

This is what I always say. The quality of the acting and writing was very good in this film, despite being sad at times. Talia Shire in particular gave an Oscar caliber performance and Sage Stallone was tremendous as Rocky Jr - he was every bit the son that Rocky would have since he conveyed all the right traits of his father ie being sensitive and headstrong.

The reaction to Rocky V from fans is hysterical. I've heard stories of them buying box sets of the Rocky anthology, and the first thing they do is take the Rocky V disc out the packaging and throw it in the garbage.

Rocky V is twice the film Rocky Balboa and Creed are. It's shame not all the fans can see that, but it's true. The opening recap of this movie alone is the better than anything in those movies.

Imdb message boards - kick someone's ass on the first day, or become someone's bitch.



And Rocky Balboa 👍

I am Djour Djilios. Could you spell that please? I don't think so. Try it with a "D".


I have always wondered the same thing. Most people seem to loathe this installment yet no one ever actually states any particular reason for hating it. I've never understood it.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


I personally like Rocky V and enjoy it more than the way over the top Rocky IV. Having said that I think the reason why a lot of fans hate it is because Rocky loses his fortune and in the end wins back some self respect but is essentially still poor and brain damaged. I thought the street fight was a neat twist but having said that I think Rocky V would've been better received if Rocky gave in and fought Tommy in the ring.

I also think Stallone wanted to take the series back to its dramatic roots because really what more could you do in terms of super villains after Ivan Drago.

Although I'm able to overlook them being a big Rocky fan, my biggest issues with the film are mainly in the beginning. I mean how could Rocky and Adrian be dumb enough to let Paulie have any say with their finances. And it sounded like Rocky's attorney intended to take their accountant to court but yet that is never addressed again in the film. Plus there were ways Rocky could've gotten a non fighting boxing related gig. Perhaps he could've done some commentating for a network. But in the end it's not worth thinking about too much because Stallone just wanted to get the character back in the old neighborhood.

And then there is the Rocky Jr. issue. I mean I think Stallone wanted his son Sage to be in the movie so badly that he didn't even care. But in terms of continuity it comes across as odd that Rocky's son only appeared to be around 8 or 9 in Rocky IV and now he's suddenly about 13 when they return from Russia.

But hip hop music aside I think Rocky V is a good film once the Balboas are back in the old neighborhood. And the Mickey flashback scene is one of my favorite moments out of the whole saga.


Rocky's son only appeared to be around 8 or 9 in Rocky IV and now he's suddenly about 13 when they return from Russia.

More like he seemed 6 years old in IV then leapfrogs to, like, 11 in Rocky V.


I really liked 5. I was disappointed to hear people hated it, including Stallone himself.

I think 3 and 5 are the best.

4 was just a 2 hour music video.

2 was a little meh.

1 was obviously the best film, but I prefer 3 and 5.


When it first came out, it was my 2nd favorite Rocky movie. After Rocky Balboa came out, it got bumped down to third place, and after Creed it dipped even lower. Then I marathoned all of the movies earlier this year, and I found Rocky V simply hadn't aged well. It almost feels a little sloppily done, in retrospect, and a bit dated. The acting performances by everyone involved that blew me away back in '90 simply no longer do it for me. That said, I certainly hold it higher than Rocky IV! Incidentally, I've also come to feel much the same way about Rocky II, and Rocky III has risen in my estimation over the years.


Rocky V wasn't bad. I preferred it to the over the top almost insane part IV. Super Soviet boxer, Paulie's robot b-day present, etc. The training sequence in Russia wasn't bad, but overall, part IV was the worst installment of the series. I have to agree that the rap music in part V dates this movie pretty badly, but it's not quite as crummy as Ghostbusters II rap soundtrack which is contemporary. Out of the original 5 films I prefer it to IV but it's slightly weaker than III. I and II are obviously the best in the series for me.

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.


It lacked the original formula.


There were a lot of eye rolling moments mixed in with the really good stuff. All to force the plot in a very cheap, lazy way.

From the miracle grow teenage son, to the power of attorney deal, to the no way to make any money besides run a sweat box and be a trainer thing. Plus people were really disappointed the robot did not return. I remember kids leaving the theater crying because Paulie's girlfriend was not in the movie.

There is still a conspiracy theory going around that the robot, once reaching total consciousness and AI, that she was the one responsible for duping Paulie and running off with all of Rocky's money. She did not like being in an abusive relationship and being underappreciated so she needed the money to escape. This goes along with the movie's theme of deception. They were all leery after the robot stole their money.

The movie isn't terrible, because there are some really salvageable moments, like you said, but people were disappointed how it got there and just couldn't let it go. The movie is asking a lot of audience to put aside and ignore to just enjoy the story.

It's kinda like the 4th Indiana Jones movie. It wasn't terrible but it just threw in elements that the franchise fans didn't want to accept and went from campy, fantasy adventure to totally outside the realm of reality to the point where it almost insults the viewer (which is what any movie does when it makes Shia Labouf a principal character).
