MovieChat Forums > Rocky V (1990) Discussion > They sure aged from IV to V

They sure aged from IV to V

The way they looked in IV does not even match up to the way they look in V, and if I'm not mistaken, V takes place right after IV left off. Rocky aged a little bit, Adrian sure looks a lot older, and Rocky's kid looks like 13 or so and he was like 8 in the last movie.


that is the only issue I always had the issue with this movie.

they did age a lot in the 5 years, even rocky (sylvester) himself. obviously adrian had a lot more so. paulie was so/so but when you look closer he had a bit.

funny because everyone always talked about how the son aged "in the movie sense" but it was the movie itself I had a hard time believing was suppose to had just taken place right after the events of IV.


I think that Talia Shire was also shooting Godfather III simultaneously to this. So besides the five year gap between Rocky movies, she was commuting back and forth between making Rocky V and Godfather III. So if want to know why she may look awfully tired or rundown, that's pretty much your answer.


Acting and traveling is really really hard work. Its like 85% sitting and sleeping, rough.


That’s because 5 years had passed


Rocky Theory Finally Explains Robert Balboa’s Infamous Age Jump Plot Hole

Robert "Rocky Jr" Balboa is somehow 5 years older in Rocky V than he is in Rocky IV, creating a plot hole. This theory blames political interference.


True, that's my biggest complaint against Rocky 5.

The previous Rocky films were released every 3 years. If Rocky 5 had followed that trend and was released in 1988, I suspect this issue would have be be minimized and more inline with the previous sequels.


film set after IV, but 5 year pass. this long time when in 40s. you just have to use imagination.

if you want to know why they look so old, especially sly's, it is because they use different cinematographer.

you see, stallone always have own cinematographer that he hand pick for all his film. he use same guy in rocky 2, 3 and 4, and they light him in sly's own way.

sly always had cinematographer who light him the way he want - make him look youngers. if you light stallone wrong, he fire you - google barry sonnenfeld in tangos and cash.

sly not have his own cinematographer in rocky v, he force to use john avildsen's cinematographer, and as a result sly look much older and worn down. in cliffhanger and demoltion man, made years after rocky v, sly look younger. this is because he has his own cinematographer again.
