MovieChat Forums > Rocky V (1990) Discussion > A remarkable time capsule and under appr...

A remarkable time capsule and under appreciated masterpiece

Between 1980's metal and the 1990's Kurt Cobain grunge scene, there sat for a momentary time... Rocky V!

A truly incredible film. Stallone gives the acting 110%. Such commitment and focus. Even when it doesn't work in some scenes, he still gives it 100%. A genuine sign of a true pro.

Same with the screenplay. I'm not sure why he chooses to downplay this entry is the series, but it is truly someone at the peak of their career and prime, delivering a cumulative and masterful work.

The speech about fear - amazing. The scene in the street when Adrian addresses his vicarious living through Tommy whilst simultaniously ignoring his family - masterful pertinent drama. The scene where he watches the fight and Tommy doesn't give him any credit, well that... is just un-acknowledged misanscene. Everything in that sequences clicks... The acting ... The tension... The build up.... And then finally the release.

Stallone is truly a genius. He's managed to toe the line between being a working artist and a true focused professional who delivers every time.


It definitely is a underappreciated movie and one of the best sequels in the series


The opening recap of Rocky IV is an incredible intro. I also love the press conference in the hanger at the airport.

There's some great scenes in this movie. It's not a bad movie, I think. It's the weakest of the original five Rocky movies, but it's better than Rocky Balboa I think.

Instant cassettes. They're out in stores before the movie is finished


I don't like Rocky V as much as Rocky Balboa. But having said that I do think it's better than it's reputation makes it out to be and I at least like it more than Rocky IV.


Creed has been great too!
