DVD release?

Does anybody know if there's a DVD release of the Sect? I can't find anything on Amazon or DVDempire.




One of the viewer comments for The Sect mentions the film's use of songs by Neil Young and the Rolling Stones. My guess is that any possible DVD release is stopped cold by the cost for the music rights.


So far the only legit release comes on the form of a region free Itallian import DVD, it is PAL formatted but is about $20 from sites like DiabolikDVD and Xploited Cinema (assuming everybody is in the US?) It is widescreen, but not by much, at about 1.55:1 or so and the english track is in mono, the Itallian tracks are listed as dolby digital and DTS but the sound seems to merely be spread across the channels. The transfer is just a little bit better than I remember the video transfer being back when it was released on Republic Video under the title The Devil's Daughter (it's always seemed to look terrible on video, though I don't know if it was shot on 16mm or 35). I have seen region free NTSC versions for sale on ebay, but I'm sure that those are just DVD-r ported-over transfers of the import disc, so buyer beware.

I'll have to watch it again, but the only song reference that I remember is Thomas Arana's character quoting one line of Sympathy for the Devil in the opening hippy commune scene, and that would hardly seem to cause a rights issue. I don't recall any Neil Young songs or even references in the film (they may have been removed from the soundtrack for the import release). I'm not sure if the Republic Pictures release had any songs on the soundtrack or not as I haven't seen that since it was relased back in the early ninties and I sadly don't own either the tape or Laserdisc version to compare. I guess we just have to barrage Anchor Bay or Blue Underground with requests to reissue it.

Also, does anyone know if the original version of the script is available anywhere? Apparently The Sect startrd out life as a script written by Soavi called The Well and it was set in Ireland with much more emphasis on Celtic myths (though there is still much in the way of Celtic symbolism in the film). I would love to read that version and it would make a good future DVD extra.


no i'm in Canada


Re: Neil Young

I think he means "Horse With No Name" by America, used during the opening segment with the hippies. They were an early 70's CSNY soundalike pop rock ballad band -- On a lark, I dug out my CD of their first Album "America" featuring "Horse With No Name". Year of release? 1972. Year that the scene is set in when it's used? 1970.



I just bought a cheapass DVD of The Devil's Daughter. It's fullscreen and doesn't have any extras. There are three "chapters". After 1:30:08 the movie stops, blacks out for three seconds and resumes with the time counter going to all zeros. The final 26:28 is chapter three. Well, what should I expect for $1? E-mail me at killerjim4@yahoo.com if you want it when I'm done with it or just want to talk about Argento or horror. Later....


Devil's Daughter/Oval Portrait (released by EastWest Entertainment)

It's one of those $1.00 DVDs you find in the bargain bins. I don't own it, so I can't tell you how good the quality is.
Paul R.



i was at an import store in little italy about a year or 2 ago. They had this... widescreen with a few extras on the dvd.

Dario Argento + Chinese Food x Alcohol= 1 heck of a night


Sounds like a good night, alright! Yes, there's a PAL version out there, I assume the quality is pretty good. It wouldn't surprise me if Blue Underground got their hands on this one eventually, the Stones song could make it expensive, but there is a good demand for the movie to be available. A song by America--'Horse With No Name'--probably wouldn't be that expensive, I assume there are only excerpts throughout the movie of both songs. Blame Argento on that count, it was his idea to have the songs in the movie, but the mad-dash to squeeze folks for royalties for the tiniest use hadn't fully kicked-in during 1991, it was just beginning. See how it stunts culture?


