The Best April <3

Hands down. Drop Dead Goddess.
Megan and the rest cant touch her!




Totally agreed, I was disappointed Judith Hoag didn't return for the sequels, Paige Turco was only adequate and Megan Fox was totally lame.


Wow! I thought I was the only 1!

Of course Paige is hot! But she had nowhere near the charisma, attitude, or flare Judith did. Not to mention no Casey Jones to play on their back and forth sexual chemistry. Hell even Casey suffered in the third. It was like he had he was depressed cause he had no April, No, No Hoag. Fk! Have you seen those pair of legs! My God that’s enough to make any man mad!!!

And Of Course Megan is Hot but she’s no April either neither is that Ninja Turtles. No. It didnt happen. Swept that under the rug. Or is under the sewer?


I loved the first original movie as a kid. But if I was casting from the cartoon of April, I probably wouldn't have casted Judith Hoag. She was an interesting choice. But she was nothing that really resembled the cartoon April.

Apparently, they had a yellow suit for her. But it looked crap so they pretty much ditched it. And did the yellow raincoat as a homage to it. I completely missed it as a kid and probably would have missed it as an adult too. It was way too subtle. However, the benefit of casting Hoag avoided the movie becoming too 'camp' and bringing their/and her own interpretation to it. Rather then some lame imitation.


Have to disagree. None of them really stand out as April, but if I had to pick a best, it would be Paige. Love Judith Hoag overall though.


The fk!
April is supposed to be a redhead! Judith got first billing and fans loved her as April.


Hair colour isn't a deal breaker in my book. But as I said, I don't think anyone has epitomized April O'Neal yet.


Okay, but I think it’s definitely a plus. Plus it’s hard to find a good redhead. I frankly think though this film was great it wouldnt has been as if she had not been in it and the sequel though a lot of fun lacked her among other things and suffered for it.


Agreed better than Turco and Fox only Rivaled By Sarah Michelle Gellar Mae Whitman


Dont think Sarah wouldve been a good one.


the latter are from the Animated films and series TMNT(2007) & TMNT(2012) Eff Turco and Fox


Does it count?
We’re talking about purely looks here.

You can say 2012 was basically animated as well.


Paige Turco was hotter but Judith Hoag was legitimately good. Turco wasn't bad though. Megan Fox on the other hand...


Paige Turco is hotter and it's not even close. Judith Hoag is attractive and the definitive April, but Paige is a total MILF.

Fox would be the hottest if she didn't ruin her face.


I feel Judith Hoag's portrayal of April O'Neal had more substance and personality than Paige Turco's portrayal.
