MovieChat Forums > Hillside (1991) Discussion > It took me FOREVER to remember the name ...

It took me FOREVER to remember the name of this show!

Holy Teen Angst, Batman! It took me years to finally stumble upon the name of this show which briefly held my adolescent interest. All I could really remember was the infuriatingly breathy voice and perpetually pinched facial expression of the little blonde chickie (Laura Harris). I kept thinking "Freshman"...not far from "Fifteen", I guess, so I haven't yet lost all my mental faculties.

I have to admit, I LOVED TO HATE this show...right up there with "Saved By The Bell" and "Beverly Hills 90201". I was much more of a "James at 15 (then James at 16)" and "You Can't Do That On Television" kinda girl!

If I hadn't finally stumbled upon Laura Harris on an episode of CSI, I think I would have gone to my grave still racking my brain...thank goodness for the internet!!! Oh, and I saw some postings where Laura Harris has been compared to Jenny Garth - I do see the resemblance...but I personally have confused Ms. Harris with Laura Allen of "The 4400" - anyone else think they may be the same person, just out to mess with our minds????

NOW I have to try to find "Fifteen" on YouTube or DVD or someone's black market VHS tapes from 1991 - once my curiosity is piqued, there is no going back!!!!!!!!


I was the same way only because I kept getting it mixed up with Welcome Freshmen which is probably what you were doing, too. :)
