MovieChat Forums > Swans Crossing (1992) Discussion > Does anyone else remember getting up...

Does anyone else remember getting up...

at 5am to watch the show when they switched it from 5pm to 5am? My friend and i used to get up at our houses, call each other, and watch the show, while we were on the phone with each other (not talking until the commercials).


I thought that I was the only one -- I used to wake up SOO early just to watch the show -- I still remember the theme song by heart.


I am glad I was not the only crazy kid. For awhile here they showed it at 4 am on Sunday and I got up every week to watch it!


I thought it was 3:00am until I saw this post nowadays 5:00 a.m. isn't that early.

I swish this had spell chuck!!!!!!


I remember the show coming on a 6 am - after a while by body couldn't take it I was only in 6th grade.


Haha, yes, here in NYC it was on somewhere around 6-6:30 a.m. And, like a tool, I did watch it.

"Mark this moment, Doctor. In the history of the universe, this moment is unique. Davros lives!"


I remember the show coming on a 6 am - after a while by body couldn't take it I was only in 6th grade.

You must be the exact same age as me because I watched when I was in 6th grade too . I was obsessed with this show, recorded it every day, re-watched them over and over.. when it was changed to 6am I was pissed lol. But I got up anyway. Amazing how as kids we'll get up at 6am for a TV show but as adults we don't want to get up at 6am for things that actually do matter lol. I'll tell ya right now, no way in hell I'd get up at 6am to watch TV nowadays!

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."


I never thought about it, but you are so right. Nowadays I barely want to get out of bed that time for work. I watched a couple of episodes on Youtube and it brought back a lot of memories


i was in my twenties watching it very early in the morning having awesome labor pains and named my daughter born that year after sydney...she has no idea. she even acts just a little bit (just a little) like her which is wild.


6 am here. I thought I was the only one who remembered this show. This is definitely worthy of a DVD.


i got up early to watch too!


I wish it was on at that time where I'm from. I really enjoyed the show. It was on when I was in the 7th or 8th grade which would have been 89-90 or 90/91. I would hbe gotten up to watch it too. But here, it came on at 2:00 or 2:30 p.m. So I only got to see it when we got out of school early, which didn't happen very often.


It was 90/91. I remember because I was in 8th grade when the show started. I remember more so because that was the year (1991) Hurricane Iniki hit us on Kauai.


Yes!!!!!! Every day before school I was up and watching and then got so annoyed that sometimes Sailor Moon was played instead =( I was so annoyed when SC ended and now is no where to watch episodes that won't be messed up. Is there???


It is on Hulu right now!!


great to find others who liked the show. I always wondered though, how old was billy gunn supposed to be? the kids were like 15/16 but was he like college aged? if so, how was he trying to get with melia? that's some to catch a predator stuff
