MovieChat Forums > Backdraft (1991) Discussion > Why do the brothers hate each other so m...

Why do the brothers hate each other so much?

I have never understood that. Stephen is a hot shot fireman. Brian watched
his dad die. Why would Stephen be so mad at his brother for not being a fireman?

I don't get it


i don't think it was hatred ... i think after their father died alot of the burden of raising brian was placed on steven's shoulders. i think that steven was greatly disapointed in brian lack of focus in anything he did ... this is brought out in the bar when the bartender is looking over brian's posted business cards... i think steven would have been happy with anything brian chose to do on life had he shown more comitment.

" Three can keep a secret, if two are dead "


I don't think he is mad at all. It is a sibling rivalry between them, but that is natural.


I think it is all those things but a big part of it was that Stephen didn't want Brian to die the way their father did. He gave Brian a hard time about being a fireman because he was convinced, maybe due to Brian's lack of focus, that Brian would have bought it. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day but some day and he just couldn't live like that. Just like Stephen's wife. All covered in a great scene on the roof between Stephen and his wife. Also look at their instinctual reactions at the retirement party. Stephen may think it's okay to give his little brother crap but it's not okay for someone else and punches out the guy his wife was dancing with. Not because he was dancing with his wife but because he said s**t about his brother. Brian, without knowing what's going on, jumps in to help just because Stephen is involved.

They didn't hate each other. They loved each other. Very much. Don't have to be all lovey-dovey with someone to really love them. Just siblings with a lot of stuff going on.

Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


Jamie's got it. They loved each other, but they had issues in terms of their relationship. After their dad died Stephen took on the father role trying to raise Brian. However, any sibling will tell you that it is impossible to continue the sibling relationship alongside the parental one- the younger brother doesn't want his older brother acting like dad.

But as Brian got older he became more and more flakey and as the "father figure" Stephen acted like any dad, he tried to push him but that doesn't work when you are a sibling. So when Brian finally got to become a fireman Stephen pushed him and treated him worse than any of the other guys because he wanted Brian to either quit or become a great cop- both resulting in him not getting killed.

It all comes down to Brian wanting Stephen to be his brother and Stephen being stuck in dad mode.

There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


I dont think I saw them get along with eachother for more than ten seconds so are ya'll sure it wasn't hate lol?

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


Steven was pretty bitter about not having a choice. And in a way, he resented Brian for having the opportunities that Steven never had. And because of that, was pissed off that Brian squandered those opportunities. Brian had that luxury to be a screw-up.
Brian, of course, was bitter about Steven always having the upper hand. He was better at things, stronger, had the authority and had what Brian perceived as the "luxury" of having his course set out. Steven didn't have a whole wide world staring him in the face. He had the Fire Department. That was it. And there's a certain amount of freedom that comes from having your course laid out in front of you. It's not very liberating, but you have your parameters established so everything else is gravy.

Each one saw the other as having an advantage in life and failed to see what they had for themselves. And it chewed at their relationship constantly.

Boy, if this wasn't where I put my signature, I'd really let you have it!


it's all in the title. when brian ate too many beans there was an extreme gassy backdraft...and his brother just thought it stunk!

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


It was also brought up before Brian's first day on the boat in regards to Brian quitting the fire academy before. Steven was mad... or probably more likely disappointed that he quite the fire academy before and then ventured and failed in other businesses as mentioned above.


A few things. I don't think he was actually mad at Bryan for not being a fireman.

Bryan tried once already and quit. He then tried other things and failed at that also and returned becuase he had no other avenues. Stephen didn't want a quitter or someone who gives up jeopardizing the team.

In truth Stephen didn't want him on the team. He wanted to make life hell for him and force him to quit, which was why he moved Bryan to unit 17 under him and did not go easy on him. He couldn't bear the thought of losing another family member, a brother on the job. He admitted this to his ex wife.
