MovieChat Forums > Backdraft (1991) Discussion > so so so underrated..

so so so underrated..

That's a joke, right? 10/6.6???????????

at a minimum....10/8.3

It's ... it's very excellent.


agreed 100%
you're absolutely right. Soo underrated... such a great movie.


The same for me, the best movie about fireworkers




I agree and don't understand the hate for this film. It has some really good storytelling, the effects are perfection, and all the actors give wonderful performances (I can't help but sry at the end every time)

Even Balwin shows why he deserves to be an actor.

There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


Same here.......... I can't believe the low rating. Curios as to why??..... I think this movie is great. It has it all, action, drama and a great cast, (De Niro, Baldwin, Russel, Sutherland, Walsh). The acting was excellent. Russel deserved an Oscar nomination imo.

9/10 for me.


I rate this lower mostly due to the cliche and mediocre story elements- the divorced father conflicting with the wife, the rookie having to prove something to himself, the bait & switching of the antagonist, the get-rich-government conspiracy, etc. That's plenty of things to lower my rating and can even ruin a film for me.

However, "Backdraft" had plenty of things to help it rise above the cliches. The cast was phenomenal, the effects were awe-inspiringly spectacular while the pacing, stunt work and insight were top-grade. In my opinion, the only thing that brought this film down was the writing. And even that wasn't bad. It just wasn't all good.

For me, it's a 7/10. With a better script and an avoidance of "Scriptwriting 101" cliches, it could have easily been a 9/10.

"Atlas Shrugged- Part 2"- Coming in 2012! --The saga continues!


^This. Pretty perfect description of the film, although I also thought Billy Baldwin's performance brought the film down a little. He's not a terrible actor but his scenes with De Niro only highlighted that he wasn't in the same league as the others. I'd agree with 7/10, maybe 6.9.


This definitely ranks as one of the best crime thrillers of the 90's. Some of the best action/crime thrillers belonged to the 90's. It was a great portrayal of the lives of firefighters, made the best of its premise(Not many films are capable of doing that, they lose the balance... for eg, Cliffhanger had a great premise, but simply ended up being an average action thriller in the end) and the special effects & stunts can be thoroughly enjoyed even today. Not to mention, great cast, great performances... This surely deserves nothing less than 7.6!!!


Just wanted to add that I also love this film. Its a proper guilty pleasure - totally agree that it's filmmaking 101 - the overall brother having to prove himself plot is cringworthy, as is the acting of Baldwin and the cheesy 90s one liners BUT even with all that said...I freaking LOVE this film! 8-D

Even if I wer part of this,even if I wer not a stranger,I wud be just another ant servin the shapes


Certainly underrated. Not the best script obviously but a great film nonetheless. It was well directed, great special effects, powerful score that I believe was snubbed for an Oscar nomination. Also great performances by Russell, Sutherland, DeNiro and Baldwin did well, not unbelievable but he did ok. Not Jennifer Jason-Leigh's greatest performance tho but Kurt Russell & Donald Sutherland were amazing. DeNiro is always great. JT Walsh and Scott Glenn were awesome too.

Funny enough...

Glenn also did The Silence of the Lambs that year and gave a great performance.

Sutherland did JFK and was great in that.

DeNiro got his 6th nomination for Cape Fear.

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. - Fight Club


The problem with its place in history is the R-rating. It doesn't work here in an epic advertised as showcasing the heroics of firefighting, so the unnecessary profanity and gratuitous sex/nude scenes that give this an R-rating are especially awkward and distracting from the top-notch casting. This was the big highly-publicized Memorial Day weekend opener for 1991 and could have easily been a PG-13, and a bigger hit.


There's too many studio's cutting the guts out of great drama's, action/adventure and films like this to achieve a larger box office gross. This film is better because of its R rating. PG-13 is so overused.

Today, it would be PG-13 and would suck. But back in the early 90's it was more about making a good film than bringing in the kids.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club


Caught tis on Blu recently. As it was starting, I was unsure if it was an R or not.

Thank sense it was!

Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. You sold me queer giraffes.


I know right? should be at-least 8 !!
