Young Stephen

Ok, my friend just dared me to post this. :)
I finally showed this great movie to my friends, and when i ask them what they thought of it, all they can talk about is how cute the young version of Stephen was! I thought that the first time I watched it, but I didn't think anyone else would pay attention to that, lol.
Post your thoughts, but if you're gonna be rude, don't bother.

Cody: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Zack: Chiuahuas have freakishly large ears?


Yeah, I thought the kid (John Duda), was rather cute as Stpehen for the time I saw him. I'm not sure if he was trying to emulate Kurt Russell's mannerisms, but when he telling Demi-Brian that would be "Burn Up and Die" if he didn't fasten his fireman jacket correctly, he reminded me an awful lot of Russell when he speaks in that the "Matter-of-fact" tone of his.

"Sex isn't just sex. Sex is good for you. Sex releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy."


haha I thought that too

R.I.P. Heath Ledger!


I think this every time the movie is on! (I've watched it a lot lately at school for a project) and he is really cute!

Harry Potter; its my alternate reality!


Oh my god I know, I get moist just thinking about it
