MovieChat Forums > Backdraft (1991) Discussion > Firefighters taking the elevator!

Firefighters taking the elevator!

I thought you are not supposed to use the elevator during a fire. Especially firefighters.

I feel like the Reverend Rodney King Jr.
"Cant we all just get along?"


Civilians aren't supposed to use elevators in event of an emergency. Fires in a large building typically involve a lot of heavy lifting and walking, we'll take the lift to a floor or two below the suspected fire and then act on from there.

The Fighting 17th.
"You should learn not to box when the 17's on the job!"


My department's SOP is to take the elevator to any floor above 6 stories, below we walk, if smoke in shaft we walk, if no firefighter override we walk. Firefighters have a fireman override key, if no override don't use it, we make sure the elevator will stop correctly by sending it to the 2nd floor, we get off 2 floors below. If smoke 2 floors below, we go 2 more below.


Well, maybe they found out it was safe because it was upstairs and contained. They probably got a picture of what was going on when they first arrived.


it's a common misunderstanding. as others have basically said already, firefighters do use the elevators. the reason regular people are not to use elevators during a fire is so that they can be keyed to the ground floor for use by the firemen as soon as they arrive. yes, if there is a known risk of something going wrong that would make the elevator unsafe or cause it to get stuck somewhere, they will not use it. but the "don't use the elevator" is for YOU the civilian, not for all people.


Civilians can't take the elevators because people would be waiting for the elevator to come and back up traffic trying to get out.

If firefighters weren't allowed to take elevators they would be causing a lot more problems. Imagine anyone trying to take their heavy equipment up 20 flights of stairs- they would become too exhausted and waste valuable time.

There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


As a firefighter, I know you are not supposed to use the elevator. Why do you think the first event in the CPAT is the stairmaster.

"Imagine anyone trying to take their heavy equipment up 20 flights of stairs- they would become too exhausted and waste valuable time", it is better to take the stairs and take a few minutes then get stuck in an elevator and have to be rescued.
