MovieChat Forums > Backdraft (1991) Discussion > BRAD PITT INSTEAD OF WILLIAM BALDWIN-


As I read that in the Trivia Section, I realized that it would've been a more interesting and enjoyable performance that of Brad Pitt because of his action-oriented appearance, it would've been more challenging against Russell's persona, unlike Baldwin, who looks like a preppy wimp, and when he saves Bull, it's definitely not credible, Brad Pitt's acting at that moment would've been like the actual redemption before his brother.

Now, if we consider that Brad's small role in Thelma & Louis was a trampoline on his career, maybe it was better this way --wouldn't like to see William Baldwin married to Angelina Jolie, you know what I mean?--. =D


Yeah, just think. Ron Howard could take credit for casting Tom Hanks, Michael Keaton AND Brad Pitt in their first starring roles. Pitt went on to become a huge movie star and Baldwin went on to star in a Super Bowl commercial jumping out of an airplane with his brother Stephen.


I thought William Baldwin did a good job with this but you are right about his career though. XD


NO WAY! For the time when this was made Billy Baldwin was a great casting choice. Kurt Russell was the main character, if you really read into the story. Billy Baldwin doesn't command the scene, like Brad Pitt does.


Actually, the story is focused on William Baldwin. He's the first character you see, the photo on the TIME magazine at the beginning. And yes Pitt would've been awesome. He also looks more like he could be Kurt Russell's little brother.

"Don't Be Stupid. This is the shootout..."


Pitt still didn't become known as a bankable action star until much later. He was playing the good looking moody troubled characters following Thelma & Louise, basically the same character as we see in Backdraft. The only difference is Legends of the Fall and A River Runs Through it were period pieces. Retroactivly it would have been an impressive credit to Pitt's career and a forward thinking casting choice, but I don't think he would have fundementally changed the film, simply because Baldwin played the character the same way Pitt would have.

