Ice in her mouth

Oh my god, was anybody as awesomely creeped out by the scene where Vanilla climbs into her room and drips some "questionable" liquid into her mouth while she's asleep? Then feeds her the ice. Jesus, then she wakes up as if nothing's wrong. What kind of skeezy girl isn't freaked out by this guy climbing into her room in the middle of the night.
I think the movie is worth watching just for that scene.


I don't think it was creepy at all...I mean, who would be creeped out if someone whom you've only known for less than 24hrs broke into your room and was in there for who knows how long, only to put ice in your mouth and then lay down next to you? That vanilla ice sure knows how to romance the ladies if you ask me...

And he's got some amazing lines:

"I'll see you later" to which VI replies, "you're seeing me right now"

who WOULDN'T fall for him is my question!!



I would have to agree with LtotheK. Vanilla Ice has all the right moves. I wish I could be so smooth with the ladies. I would question the freaky little brother who clearly has voyeuristic tendencies.


I just wonder where he got it and how it kept it frozen. Was he just prancing around the girl's house looking around the fridge? Or did he honestly carry that piece of ice from across the street from the crazy mechanic people? That's just...really stupid.


The title of this thread is just as funny as that scene.


This is by far one of the greatest threads ever created on along with some of the replys. Not only is the whole thing creepy but Kats pretty kinky if shes willing to strip for some guy who just did a b&e on her house and watched her sleep. I wonder how that scene even got into the movie, you figure when they were setting the shot up they would've thought "Why and how does Johnny have ice?" but I guess not, but hey, the fact that Rob got a million dollar paycheck shows how much thought was put into this movie. What REALLY made the scene for me is when they cut to the overhead shot of them both in the bed, and theres no water bottle or anything laying around....


The idea was obviously for his female fans to picture themselves in this scenario. Cool As Ice is like a modern Twilight.

You would be afraid of a stranger doing this but not Robbert Pattison from Twilight or Vanilla Ice in 1991.

The liquid that drips into her mouth is obviously from the ice that is melting. There is no logic behind the cube, it's just a reminder that this is Vanilla Ice. The movie didn't have much else going for it.

"Don't look down on yourself, just because other people do."


I just wonder where he got it and how it kept it frozen. Was he just prancing around the girl's house looking around the fridge? Or did he honestly carry that piece of ice from across the street from the crazy mechanic people? That's just...really stupid.

The title of the movie says it all. Vanilla Ice is COOL AS ICE. So I don't see any problem on how he could not keep the ice frozen.... LOL


exactly! ice is his magic power. all you other people need to start thinking.


I totally forgot about his powers, Damnbit!



oh that totally explains everything ice ice baby
im not gonna lie though vanilla ice was good looking
corny but good looking lol


Let's see... Ice was able to:

*Jump fences on his motorcycle without even using a ramp or incline to facilitate the jump.

*Change his funky-styled clothes when he clearly took nothing with him.

*Follow a girl around with all the subtlety of a stalker and still win her heart.

*Bust out rhymes in lame teen hangouts.

*Fight several guys at once with not su much as a smudge on his face.

Ice = God?

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


Yeah it was creepy, but I can see why they put it in of course.

I didn't wonder where he got the ice, I just assumed he had been hanging out at 7-11 with his kool shorts, mean motor & wikkid glasses - chillin' with a cola instead of weezin' the juice.

Attn All Units!


Let's see... Ice was able to:

*Jump fences on his motorcycle without even using a ramp or incline to facilitate the jump.

*Change his funky-styled clothes when he clearly took nothing with him.

*Follow a girl around with all the subtlety of a stalker and still win her heart.

*Bust out rhymes in lame teen hangouts.

*Fight several guys at once with not su much as a smudge on his face.

Ice = God?

*Ability to listen to a ransom tape and hear "sounds" in the background that no one can hear

"I left my heart in England, with the girl I left behind".


"Ice in her mouth" FTW!

I was actually inspired to try this trick after seeing the movie. I really wish I'd been more careful about which window I climbed into. Mr. Harvey was not a happy camper when I put that ice cube in his mouth believe you me.

Now playing: Automan



Attn All Units!



On the Rifftrax VOD they joke about it. They' re like "i know i should be creeped out and fearing with my life but i'm going to see where he's going with this".

He keeps that fanny pack full of ice at all times just looking for that chance to pull of that wake up move.


Kat must like "Ice to Mouth".


You just know there are about 800 women in the world who would love a hunky stranger to do this to them.

Katherine was one of them.
