worst tagline ever

i have not see this movie or want to.but you know its bad when the tagline "when a girl has a heart of stone there only one to melt it.just add ice"what?does that make *beep* sense to you now if you know a worst taglines post it.




Seriously, you can't funking melt stone with ice! It doesn't even sound cool, geez.

"When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it." - Sam Spade


Are you kidding me?? That tagline is pure genius. If you had a million years to figure out a better tagline, you never could, so shut up, you monkey! You don't even know how to form a proper sentence.


I love that tagline. I've never laughed at anything so hard in my life.


I think someone needs to ditch the zero and get with the hero, if you know I mean (and I hope you do because I have no idea).


It's DROP that zero :)


"When a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it. Just add Ice."

There are just so many things wrong with this tag line.



I can't wait to hear the metal version of that tagline...



Stone melts?


I remember a show where one of the main characters said "Cool as Ice" was his favourite movie, and he kept quoting lines from it, thinking they were really cool and "deep." One girl was making fun of him because the lines were so lame, and he responded with "You got a hear of stone and the only way to melt it is Ice."

What the hell was that show, anyway? It was hilarious, and can't remember anything else about it.


AHA. I found it. It was "Austin Stories." Well, thanks for nothing, I guess.

Wavy G


Really how do you melt something with ice?


You just literally made me lol!

"Get off my sister!"


Hey everybody! You know, you could melt a stone with ice. Think about it, if the melting point of that stone is lower than 32 degrees celcius then you could melt that stone with some frozen h2o. Because the frozen water is warmer than the melting point of that mineral.


I think a better & more understanding tagline for this movie could be:

"When a girl has a heart so hot, there's only 1 way to melt it. Just add Vanilla Ice!"


My goodness, that's genious.


thanks, I know this tagline can be funny in so many ways. :p



Hmmm maybe the stone heart is made of Mercury that has a very low melting point ..... mind you if her heart is made of mercury that just raises aother whole load of ridiculous issues

Hell is other People


This is the funniest thing I have ever read


This thread is epic win, I've loled so hard reading it.


just had to see this old post again...still an awful tagline.
