MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Is 2.3 indicative of its merits or becau...

Is 2.3 indicative of its merits or because it's Vanilla Ice?

I've never seen a movie rating lower than 5 and I've watched a lot of stinkers. I haven't seen this movie but was checking V. Ice out of happenstance and was surprised it got such a low rating.


This movie is badly written AND has Vanilla Ice in it, hence the low rating.
You will want to get some ugly ass sunglasses to watch this, the use of color in the costumes and sets looks like Walt Disney threw up.

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


It's AWFUL, with random break dancing, a really, really random Vanilla Ice music video at the end and just bad everything, but it's so bad that it's still entertaining.



You will want to get some ugly ass sunglasses to watch this, the use of color in the costumes and sets looks like Walt Disney threw up.
That's interesting. What's the cinematography like, regardless of the vomit-inducing costumes/sets? Since the film is shot by Janusz KamiƄski, who also shot 'Schindler's List', I'd have thought the cinematography was the film's one redeeming feature.


I've seen WAY worse movies that have grossed ten times more than C.A.I. I think it should have a higher rating.


It's incredibly bad, even as incredibly bad movies from the 90s go.. this one is more mindblowingly because they actually seem to have some sort of budget to work with, but it's literally worse than most home movies.

..or maybe not lol
