Rifftrax VOD


I thought this film was owned by Universal? Rifftrax Video-On-Demand titles are usually public domain. Did they make a deal with studios like they did during the days of MST3K, or is this film so bad that it has since slipped into the public domain?



I'm guessing no one wants their fingerprints on this piece of $h1t. I'm watching the Rifftrax version now. Kind of a chore, just because the protagonist is such an unlikable douche.


I have a feeling that one of the guys from Rifftrax, probably Mike, knows someone within Universal and were allowed to do this.


Either way, the Rifftrax version is amazing. I actually watched it twice, that's how great it was. A terrible 90s pop culture disaster and the guys from Mystery Science Theater, what a combination it is indeed.
