'Wild' not 'Rebel'

Every article I've seen about this film (which is sooo astonishingly dreadful) says it's a remake of 'Rebel Without A Cause'. I'm gonna assume that that's what the press blurbs said at the time, and also that none of the people repeating it have ever seen 'Rebel'.

The plot (choke) is clearly based on 'The Wild One'. Vanilla Ice doing Marlon Brando; truly horrifying. Think about it; young guy rides into a small town with a motorcycle gang, scaring the locals and trying to pick up the town's goodest good-girl, fighting with the squares. That's definitely 'The Wild One' not 'Rebel Without A Cause'. Just been pissing me off.

"That's TV, Sammy. That's what you watch when you've got no brains like you and me."


Agreed. I never seen wild but saw RWC I just saw Cool as Ice on netflix...not Rebel by a long shot.
