Motorcycle/horse jump

Had me rollin'

I was not ready for this movie. It is amazing. Downloading the soundtrack now.

Who is the band that plays at the Sugar Shack before Vanilla?


I want to know how he got his motorcycle back out and onto the other side of the fence. Did he lift it over with his VI massiveness?


hes so smooth he probably slipped it between the bars


Easy! He had his 3 homeboys manually lift the ramp that was magically hidden by the bushes over the fence (you can see it in the closeup in slow mo). It was the same ramp that they used when he jumped over the Corvette at the end. The real question is how they got that ramp from out in the middle of nowhere to the city with 4 motorcycles?


I think they hinted that Sir D. was in fact a wizard.

"Don't look down on yourself, just because other people do."
