MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > If you like bad movies...

If you like bad movies...

.... this may end up being your favorite of all time. I just watched this last night on cable and oh boy, what a *beep* fest. Me and my roomste were laughing the whole time at how cheesy/ terrible it is.
And what was with the house of the older mechanic couple? Why the *beep* was grass growing out of the top of the tv set? The globes in front? Or just the paint scheme in general. Oh and if you love random slow motion, fast motion, and 360 shots then you're gonna blow a cinematography load all over this.
I do think however the first outfit he wears after thr opening dance scene should be in the Hall Of Fame for costumes. It's epic.
Grab a few friends and some beer(I'm sure you can create some sort of drinking game to get *beep* and sit back and enjoy this Rob Van Winkle classic.


Cool As Ice is a horrible movie, but its great for a good laugh! I'm currently watching CAI right now and its funny as hell, but the movie definitely sucks


It's on right now and I'm sitting here wondering what the hell they were thinking....

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


Just finished watching it for the first time. What a hilarious movie.
