Favorite Scene

I beleive there is a scene towards the beginning of the movie where Vanilla Ice first spots his crush. She is riding a horse in an open field. Ice is with his bike gang(lol) on a flat road, the camera cuts to her real quick, then back to Ice who is 8 feet in the air on his bike jumping over the fence. I laughed so damn hard that the beer I was drinking went straight out the nose.


Yeah, that fence jumping scene is hilarious. I about crapped my pants when I saw that. My other favorite scene is near the end when Ice takes Kat to that house that's under construction and they're like playing tag with eachother or something. F'n hilarious!

Favorite line:

Nick (to Kat): Are you gonna have some fun or are you gonna do homework in your head all night?


I was watching this on tv and I broke out into uncontrollable laughter when he started rapping in these ridiculous rainbow color parachute pants

I have to return some video tapes


That long white thing that's hanging from his pants,i dont know what it is,looks like toilet paper,lol !.You can see it when he is singing " the people's choice " in The sugar shack.

Despite some people disliking this film,i think it's enjoyable.I dont mean it's a brilliant film,but it's light hearted and interesting to watch.


This movie is indeed a classic... my favorite scenes are:

1) "Later 'dick'... it's 'Nick' - scene.
2) "Drop the zero and get with hero!"
3) the "homeboy this!" scene.


Best scene by far was when he woke up Kat by putting ice in her mouth. Then the camera moves out and Johnny is laying in her bed in a ridiculous outfit.


Kat is by far the most tolerant woman in the history of cinema. First Vanilla Ice (I know his character's name is Johnny, but lets face it. We're not watching Cool as Johnny) nearly paralyzes the poor girl by startling her horse then he insults her boyfriend, who's a dick but Vanilla Ice doesn't know that. Then he steals from her and then when she gives him 24 hours to return it... he breaks into her bedroom and shoves ice down her throat.

If you were to try these techniques with any woman... in fact with any human being in order to establish a relationship. That relationship would be mortal enemies at best.

How does Vanilla Ice do it? Well without coping out and saying "It's just a movie." I'll instead say that his success is due to the fact that he's soooooo cool. How cool? Cool as Ice BITCH!

By the way, this movie wins the award for worst tagline ever. "When a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it. Just add ice."

There are about as many problems with this tagline as there are with the film itself!

It's a complete *beep*

"Like every child who has ever been adopted, you are destined to kill!"


Oh my God I'm laughing my ass off just thinking about these lines. These is easily one of the most unintentionally hillarious movies ever made (except for the "plot" scenes without Ice, which are astonishingly boring).

We know how cool Ice is because of his jacket, which says things like "yep yep", "down by law", and "sex me up". Also, unlike "Kat" he doesn't have parents. He apparently just appeared on Earth one day to grace us with His Coolness.


Upon further reflection I've decided that the most hilarious line has to be Ice's "words of wisdom". The conviction with which Ice says to "drop that zero and get with the hero" as if these are the coolest words ever spoken by any man to any woman can do nothing but create hysterical laughter, even after having seen and quoted this line with friends hundreds of times.

As far as whole scenes go, the highlight clearly is the musical number in the middle ("people's choice"). "Awww yeah...I'm gonna drop some funky lyrics."


I'd have to say the very beginning, simply because Monique was like SMOKIN hot...

