The Sad Fact Is...

Despite all the jokes and nay sayers, this movie has people posting about it, talking about, and watching it. We all know there are tons of better movies (tons and tons). But isn't it interesting that the entire front page of the forums is from this year?

No matter what we all think, Vanilla Ice obviously still holds interest. How hilarious is that? We can laugh all we want, but the dude made money and we still discuss him.


He made money and we still discuss him. Does that make him any less of a living joke?
Short of disappearing for a few decades then coming back to win an Oscar/Grammy/whatever, he will NEVER live his laughable legacy down. All the money and notoriety in the world isn't worth that kind of "loser" stamp.


Actually, if someone told me everyone else in the world was going to call me a loser but also told me I'd have enough money to do whatever I please... I'd have to say its worth it.

Granted, I know Vanilla Ice doesn't have all the money in the world, but we're just talking in generalities here.


Seriously! Because last I checked, not everyone has a song that charted at #1 for months on end. Yet, we as a judgmental society feel we can point and laugh. Well I think the loads of money and fact that fans still pay to see him makes it ok. lol


"Seriously! Because last I checked, not everyone has a song that charted at #1 for months on end. Yet, we as a judgmental society feel we can point and laugh. Well I think the loads of money and fact that fans still pay to see him makes it ok. lol"

While it's true that he made tons of money and didn't blow it all like M.C. Hammer, and "To The Extreme" is still the highest grossing hip-hop album of all time, that doesn't mean he's happy today. Have you not seen any of the Vh1 reality shows he's been on? Despite all the money he made from that part of his career, dude flips out when anybody brings it up.

That said, if you don't find "Cool as Ice" f'n hilarious, you have no sense of humor. That movie will always be talked about because it was sooo bad. Just like "The Bad Seed" or "Reefer Madness."


Well, everybody makes mistakes.
But it's a good thing he was "Vanilla Ice" with the whole world and not Robert Matthew Van Winkle.
It's like, Vanilla Ice can take all the crap so Robert won't have to.
It's interesting to see that he really wasn't the only one in that era to blow it big. I mean, look at New Kids On The Block... Or Hammer, or Milli Vanilli.
Music was cheapened in a big way in the early 90's.
Vanilla just went with it. He didn't invent cheap music and phony gimmicks.

You... are... my... lucky lucky lucky star...


While I enjoy mocking him as much as the next guy, he still is rich to this day. I honestly would say that's a fair trade. I would sacrifice myself to be a the butt of all jokes until the day I die if it meant I could live with a a lot of money in the bank.


Because the movie is halarious!


i know you originally posted this a year ago, but since it's on TV right now, i HAD to come look it up and post something on the forums... i think other people probably do the same...
