MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > I honestly don't care what the 'Razzie' ...

I honestly don't care what the 'Razzie' awards thought...

Even before I was a teenager, I have always loved the stylish rap of Vanilla Ice, and when this movie came out, I bought it and watched it so many times the VHS tape INSIDE the cassette broke! I love this movie, the songs, everything about it. It's sexy, yet not a porn. Ice was the original White Rapper. The only reason people didn't liek him then was cause he was a (HOTT) white guy, doing what black guys did, only better. Yea sure, he has a couple of songs that were sexual based, but for the most part, it was about rapping and having fun doing it. It wasn't all this crap they have today about killing people, or raping girls, or where you wanna stick it in her (or him). It was a lot cleaner. Even "Life is a Fantasy" is considerably clean compared to 99% of the songs they sing today in hip-hop/rap. And because of his break through in the music industry, people judged his movie. If it had been a black guy doing this, it probably would have hit the top of the charts in '91!! I'm not the least bit racist, but I think a lot of movie critics (at least back then) were. People like Eminem cause he's a white guy that ACTS black. Ice IS a white guy who just happens to be better at what is thought to be a primarily black genre of music than the black guys were of the time. Saying all of that, I leave you all with that age old saying that constantly is being proven true over and over again... "Don't hate the player, hate the game!"

Ice is #1 baby, and his movie will always ROCK!!!

The soundtrack rox too! I have the original cassette tape soundtrack (No case unfortunately) and I'm really surprised that it hasn't snapped in two like the VHS did! haha It's the only reason that I still have a WORKING cassette player!


Just watched this movie...Never heard of it before...I knew going in that Vanilla Ice sucks, but it was so much worse than I could have imagined. Horrendous, but sometimes hilarious in its awfulness.




You cant be serious. Ok Im going to say this is a joke, because I hope to hell it is! Please tell me you are kidding, if so, well done and hilarious, if not... yikes.


Love this movie I dont care what everyone says everyone was rockin Ice Ice Baby when it came out. You have to give it to the guy because for a while in time he was on top of the world no one can deny that.
For 1991 his style was pretty tight because if you wore what we wore today you'd probably be hangin out at the Sugar Shack.

