MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > 'Staying true to yourself...

'Staying true to yourself...

...and stayin true to no one. Living life for yourself, cause if you livin for someone else, you ain't livin. Straight up fact..."

Anyone wish ICE would put out a book on his religious thoughts? He could be the next Buddha for all we know!

But seriously, so glad I own this on DVD and the soundtrack on CD, at least once a month someone random says "You have COOL AS ICE?!", and then we roll up a blunt and watch part might be the construction zone was just so obvious they had no money for a location, so they just snuck onto a random construction site...classic. Now if you'll all excuse me, I gotta go schling a schlong...also that's my signature below, not another random quote from this amazing flick...

"When a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it: just add ICE" - Cool as Ice
