MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > i know i shouldn't do this....

i know i shouldn't do this....

i shouldn't put emphasis on racial background but i have to on this one.

who do you think are the greatest white rappers?

of course people will probably talk about eminem, which is okay but i want to know who people think is a good caucasian m.c.

i'll throw in slug from atmosphere (although some would argue he is not white)

sorry no cool signature



All black people in this world are criminals. Oh, and a few of the better-looking ones might fight their way off the streets and become tough-skinned, skin-headed, muscle-clad lawyers. At least that's the impression I get from TV.

You should turn off yours, as well. Of course, you're right, there are no even passably decent white rappers on MTV (in the homonymical sense of "MTV"), but to say that every single white person who has rapped has been either god-awful or simply overrated by Suburban-driving suburbanites is ignorant and borderline racist. Either way it illustrates your incredibly limited knowledge of the subject.

Yes, any white person who tries to rap about being a "thug", living on "the streets", or women and money has already failed. If singing about how big your bank statement is defines what you think valid and respected rap should be, you have already failed as well. Point: it is possible to rap about a field mouse who drops acid and hijacks a schoolbus full of penguins and make it "good". As long as the artist is articulate, intelligent, and relates an interesting story, it doesn't make a difference. To be honest, there are very few great black rappers either--most of the music people call rap is nothing more than a slug-headed egomaniac with a solid producer. And by most I mean 95%.

MC Chris
Beastie Boys (listen to their non-alternative, non-MTV tracks)
Beck, oh god, Beck
3rd Bass



I'd like to point out that since your are too plebian to even comprehend my post, any argument you henceforth propose is completely irrelevant. What do you mean "the truth hurts"? You mean the truth that you think white people are genetically disposed to be poor rappers, or the truth that you are obviously ignorant and, as I said, borderline racist? It must be nice to have such a simplistic mind you can reduce a post attempting to show some intellectual respect to your argument to nothing but a pointless pissing match. You failed to respond to any of my points concerning the art of rap itself--why should we care what you have to say about it from then on?

"Show me a half-way decent white rapper and I'll change my mind. And no, the Beastie Boys won't cut "

Way to completely ignore the other three examples that I ALREADY posted, but at this point it is irrelevant. The issue has gone from being about white rappers to your inability to intelligently assess that which you think you know. First you say that every white rapper is either completely terrible or--at best--overrated. Now your definition of a "half-way decent" rapper is someone who compares to Grandmaster Flash. Christ, your rap collection must be pretty paltry if someone has to compare to GMF to be considered "half-way decent".

And forgive me if I fail to respect the knowledge you claim you MUST possess about rap merely because you like GMF. Unfortunately for your untenable argument, it takes a little more than name-dropping to prove credentials you obviously don't possess.



Point by point, Melvin.

1) "[Your problem] is that you assume arguments that have never been made, such as your racialist (obviously the product of yet another wigger pretending to be down with it) interpretation..."

You accuse me of being racist by suggesting my alleged hatred stems from being just "another wigger pretending to be down with it". That's like saying I'm homophobic, and then calling me "a *beep* c*cksmoker". I hope the night classes you took that bestowed you with that gem of a logical mind didn't interfere with your American Idol schedule. But just in case you may have missed where I put forth a rational, race-independent proposition on the definition of what constitutes quality rap music, I'll post it again for you:

"Yes, any white person who tries to rap about being a "thug", living on "the streets", or women and money has already failed. If singing about how big your bank statement is defines what you think valid and respected rap should be, you have already failed as well. Point: it is possible to rap about a field mouse who drops acid and hijacks a schoolbus full of penguins and make it "good". As long as the artist is articulate, intelligent, and relates an interesting story, it doesn't make a difference. To be honest, there are very few great black rappers either--most of the music people call rap is nothing more than a slug-headed egomaniac with a solid producer. And by most I mean 95%. "

2) "[You assert] that anyone who claims never to have listened to a competent white rapper must be in league with the Third Reich..."

I think I missed the memo in which it was decided that "racism" meant the "Third Reich". Newsflash: it is possible to be racist and not white. Believe it or not, racism has been perpetrated throughout the world, throughout history, by people who aren't remotely "white". Remind me where I said anything about people who are black and racist being anything remotely similar to "a white man bent on racial destruction".

3) "...the truth in your case is obviously very hurtful--namely, your inability to answer the point with the response that actually points out a white rapper worth listening to."

Actually, I did that. Specifically, I named 4 white rappers I consider to be decent. Congratulations on managing to not respond to those 4 suggestions at all with anything resembling a rational, intelligent approach, though. But since your definition of a "competent" rapper seems to fluctuate somewhere between an arbitrary evaluation by solely you and the ability of GrandMaster Flash, it becomes apparent that you have no objectivity and heed only to an esteemed opinion of yourself for which you lack defense.

"how me a half-way decent white rapper and I'll change my mind...Let me put it this way, so you'll understand my standards on an issue you claim I know nothing about--show me one white rapper that compares to Grandmaster Flash."

I don't seem to remember the OP's question being "Are there any white rappers AS GOOD AS GMF?" Does a rapper have to have parity with GMF to be halfway-decent in your run-on sentence of a book, or do you want to have an intelligent discussion about the artists I suggested earlier and your perceived flaws in their work? Unforately, your argument thus far--"they arent good--isn't going to suffice.

4) "Oh, but I see, it’s all about a new-claimed respect for something you can’t even grasp, not alone name, for obvious reasons."

This is the point in your post where it becomes stupifyingly obvious that you haven't even read my posts, let alone understood them. In my first reply I stated a very clear and basic definition of what I believe PARTLY makes good rap music. And I already re-posted it once above.

"Yes, any white person who tries to rap about being a "thug", living on "the streets", or women and money has already failed. If singing about how big your bank statement is defines what you think valid and respected rap should be, you have already failed as well. ___Point: it is possible to rap about a field mouse who drops acid and hijacks a schoolbus full of penguins and make it "good". As long as the artist is articulate, intelligent, and relates an interesting story, it doesn't make a difference.___ To be honest, there are very few great black rappers either--most of the music people call rap is nothing more than a slug-headed egomaniac with a solid producer. And by most I mean 95%. "

As much as you would like it to be a quality I "can't even grasp, not alone name", it is actually very simple. An articulate, intelligent artist relating a story of interest is a large part of what constitutes "good" rap music, and since story-telling certainly isn't encoded in racial DNA, it has nothing to do with color. Want to respond and argue that intelligence, cunning, and the ability to generate interest in a story have no relevance to the quality of rap? Great. I'd love to see you try.


I agree with your assessmeent of the rap game out there currently,almost entirely garbage. I would also agree to a certain extent with what u said about what makes a rapper "good". However, I would add that delivery and versatility would have ro rank up there for me. Eyedea is a very gifted MC who shows a great deal of intelligence in his rhymes and raps about a broad spectrum of topics.However, he lacks in terms of delivery and has a tendency to sound identical in many songs. Same could be said about Aesop Rock. I like to listen to these guys,but it is impossible for me to escape that every track has a similiar feel to it. At the risk of sounding racist(i am white,btw) it is a simple and undeniable fact that a major proportion of white people simply lack the rythm and timing that are crucial to stylistic delivery. Of course there are exceptions, but generally the rule remains true. It is comparable to a large public school playing a small public school in a given sport. The small school may have a standout or two,but by in large the larger school will have the better selection of students and therefore the higher level of talent. While some white rappers have a knack for delivery, almost every one of them can be identified as being white by any true rap enthusiast. It is not racism, it is simply a fact. It is not racist to point out differences in races, it is racist to generalize a race and consider them inferior. While there were several white MC's to breakthrough in the eighties and nineties, the television image-based demand of what a rapper must look like dictates that liking a white rapper deems u lame. It is not fair, but it is what it is.


The reason rap is so terrible now is because it has become way too formulmatic.(is that a word?) Rap in the days of Grandmaster Flash was about creativity and expression. Rap in 2007 in about fitting a mold. The only things that acceptable to rap about now are the ghetto, the club, or some girl. Originality is no longer part of Hip Hop, and it's because of this that the music has basically run it's course. The reason white people have trouble making it in rap are because of these perceptions. A white person that raps about a life of crime is seen as fake or trying to act black, because the media(television and movies) has lead us to people that white people live in the suburbs and all black people live in the ghetto. White people can rap, they can flow and they can write rhymes, but it's an uphill battle for them to be taken seriously.


MC Serch from 3rd Bass!


Beasty Boyz.


Beastie Boys, I totally agree on that one.

I'd love to see this movie just for the fun of it, and laugh about Ice.


SNOW...Bubba Sparx

NO Just Joking,,they both suck





Don't forget... Mike Skinner from The Streets :)


Didn't that guy get stabbed in the butt or something?


MC Chris all the way...I could listen to his stuff all day.

"Here I am, rock you like a hurricane"





eminem, tards


marky mark... for life


