MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > He actually still thinks he is Vanilla I...

He actually still thinks he is Vanilla Ice

I was watching the Surreal Life or whatever it is called with Vanilla Ice. When he was shown his room and noticed it was decorated with pictures of him during his former glory days he completely flipped out and crossed all the pictures out with permanent marker. Clearly this guy feels the need to show the world that he hates himself and is somehow "sorry" for what he did in the past. I guarantee though that Robert Van Winkle still thinks of himself as Vanilla Ice and puts on the facade of the self-deprecating ex-white poseur rapper because otherwise no one would even THINK about listening to anything he has to say. By hating himself, he feels he somehow redeems himself in the eyes of whatever public still knows about him. However, later in the show he breaks out singing "Ice Ice baby" at a karaoke bar after much coaxing from the audience. Honestly I think this guy still thinks he is Vanilla Ice and dreams about his long lost fame before he goes to sleep. I think the need to show that he is mad at himself is stupid though as he committed no crime. People forget that he sold over 15 million copies. Anyways, just had to say that. Peace.


I saw him on a british reality programme called "The farm".After much coaxing from his housemates he also busted out with "Ice Ice Baby"!!It was quite funny though.He was the only entertaining person in it and the only reason i watched the stupid show...



NoCode1983 = B7


Nah, I think he was a good-looking guy with talent who was very, very badly marketed. Had he come around a few years later, without sequined jackets and flourescent pants, without the Ninja Turtles and the goofy hair... who knows what might have happened? I can totally get why he's bitter about his experience. He's done what he can to move on; he has a family and has found work that, for the most part, is out of the spotlight. Yes, he's made a few come-back attempts, but I can see how it would be incredibly frustrating for him to have the looks and the talent, and due to mismanagement have his career tank. Why not go on the Surreal World in an attempt to let the world see the real you? And, yeah, I can also see why he'd lose his temper in having the old him shoved in his face.

That said, "Ice Ice Baby," was a hit in its day, and is a cult hit now. Most of my generation can recite it word for word. I don't see anything wrong with his performing it. It was and is a fun song, and people probably get a real kick out of hearing him perform it.

Yeah, I'm a shameless Vanilla Ice apologist, lol. But it's been fifteen years, dude- why keep up the hate?


I've met him and that is absolutely correct. He was very badly managed and a victim of the times in many ways. He is talented in many ways, and had his fame come 5-10 years later he undoubtedly would have been more successful and not the butt of many jokes. He is a very down to earth approachable guy who truly does not (understandibly) want to be associated with the whole "vanilla" thing anymore. Its too bad because out of many of the ppl who get success and get a big head or turn drug loser, etc he isn't one of them and has always been a decent person through it all.
