MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Cool As Ice Drinking Game

Cool As Ice Drinking Game

I haven't seen this movie yet. I was wondering if someone who has seen it could devise a proper drinking game. Thanks.


everytime ice does something stupid,take a drink
best game imo,u be very wasted


I'm trying to get a bunch of my friends to watch this with me. I figure the best way to get college kids to do something they might not want to is BEER. So I'm having a party. And providing keystone ice. And calling it Cool as Keystone Ice night :)


i dont think he says ice that often in it
id say beers+mates+watching this movie = lot of fun
it really is stupidly hilarious



I propose not a game, but a system:

1. One beer must be finished by the end of the opening music video.

2. Slam an eight ounce Boiler Maker (Six ounces beer, two ounce shot of whiskey) when Ice jumps the fence on his bike.

3. Imbibe a two ounce shot of wine because you just witnessed a minor miracle.

4. Consume two two ounce shots of whiskey in response to the remark that Ice's bike costs more than the old couple's house.

5. Enjoy one two ounce shot of whiskey upon Ice's utterance of "Ahhhh yeah!" when Kathy arrives home with her boyfriend.

6. Crack open a cold beer and enjoy the best part of the movie as Ice, Kathy, and boyfriend interact in the front yard.

7. If at the end of this sequence you are still interested in this movie please turn it off and go outside to better contemplate a more useful way to partake in the consumption of alcohol.

I tried, I really tried. I got as far as the fight at the bar. Then I had to skip forward. I couldn't believe he bookended the film with another music video. I am well aware that this was a star vehicle and thus a music video was inevitable, but why have two? Neither added much to the plot and the last one merely supplements it. I can't believe he jumped the Corvette but at least that was semi-plausible.

For all its faults, Cool as Ice is movie that I own because it is so terrible it is bad, my friends have refused to continue after humoring me up the "Ahhhh yeah",
and because for that brief shining moment in 1990 Vanilla Ice told us, "...what its like, Havin' a Roni." I swear that song was a strong shade of foreshadowing trying to warn us that being a Rebel Without a Cause maybe cool, but being Cool as Ice isn't all it's cracked up to be.

