MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Where is the DVD???????????????? ???????...

Where is the DVD???????????????? ??????????????????? ??????????????????? ??

Doood, my friends and I became OBSESSED with this flick in college!
The "Entertainment Superstore" (Hastings) we all worked at carried it on video and we rented it just about EVERY OTHER WEEKEND and got messed up out of our minds (in the ways college kids do!) and watched and laughed!
There are even some thinly-veiled moments of homoeroticism that I think are worth a film school thesis or two.
Annnyhow, our theory is that Vanilla Ice is PAYING someone to keep the rights to this film under wrap.
It was (hence) only available on VHS and ONLY available at a sell-thru rate ($99.99) and remains that way to this day!
But I think a petition to Universal Studios is needed and even if we get a barebones edition of the flick (although I'd LOVE a commentary track by Ice)
I still want it in my collection!
