MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > This movie is a slow death

This movie is a slow death

Yes, we all know the movie is bad but it's not even funny bad in my opinion with the exception of a few brief things.

Ice's wardrobe: The guy looks like some jerk off clown. I know it's the early 90's and he was always doing things to the "X-treme" but nobody can pull of wearing that crap and that goes for Ice as well. My personal favorite was not the wordy jacket but the clown pants near the start of the movie. At the party it looked like Ice had shoved a few socks into them because there was a huge bulge in his crotch. Seriously, there is a huge questionable bulge there and there's no way that's his dick. Oh yeah, his winter hat that we wears at the end of the movie is laughable too. The thing goes straight up in the air for a foot and half. I know that was the style back then but come on, he looks like the Black Adder. Anyway, Moving on.

The Plot: I had no freaking clue what was going on in the movie for the longest time. The plot is seriously that weak and it only introduced about half way into the flick. It starts off with them dancing, then they take a random road trip and blah blah blah who cares. I'm still unsure of just who the hell Ice's character is. The plot is funny because it's so weak you could drive a motorcycle through it and Ice frequently does.

Ice's Hypocrisy: Ever seen the Surreal Life? Maybe not. Ever seen Ice recently? Who cares. Anyway, he loves to complain that back when he was big the powers that be would tell him what to wear, how to think and how to act. Basically he was a robot that was used to make money. Vanilla shares one bit of wisdom in this movie and I quote:

If you ain't true to yourself, you ain't true to nobody.
Live your life for someone else, you ain't livin'.
Straight Up.

That's funny in an ironic sense because the way he was living off set totally contradicts that.

This was a hard one to sit through and I'll never do it again.
