MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Many Reasons To Appreciate, Not Criticiz...

Many Reasons To Appreciate, Not Criticize 'Cool As Ice'

I truly enjoyed and still enjoy "Cool As Ice." I thought it was uplifting and colorful at a time (1991) when American pop culture seemed hell-bent on creating a race war between white and black rappers. This movie was the first of its genre to show individuals of all races, each with unique talents, living and working together as good-natured and productive equals.

The elitist industry guidelines that films must follow to be considered "successful" simply need not apply to this movie that employed first-class cinematography to mark a uniquely multi-dimensional place in time and space.

What makes "Cool As Ice" so special is that the movie reflects and preserves the afterglow of a free society that had just triumphed in the Cold War, had not yet fully embraced excess over substance nor lost it's innocence (Clinton years). The movie depicted a pre-wireless society of generally happy, productive and attractive people left wondering what to do with an abundance of peace and prosperity. It is certainly a place I'd rather be.

As a bonus, “Cool As Ice" left out morally-sensitive spoilers so as not to diminish the movie's effectiveness at bringing the viewer into it's hip and not-too-threatening world where tradition and style can coexist in comfort. I believe that the writers and good cinematography successfully enhanced Van Winkle's image and persona from what it naturally is. The result is a "cool world" underpinned by good music and vivid styles that remains preserved in a bottle into which viewers may immerse themselves well into the future.

All-in-all, “Cool As Ice" displayed hip uniqueness and, yes, dignity that puts it on my list of 10-favorite movies of all time. I believe it wouldn't go too far to refer to "Cool As Ice" as documentary evidence of the western world at its peak. Rob Van Winkle should be proud of, not distanced from what ended up being his finest hour on film.


i agree with you,, no body cant deny that they didnt love vanilla ice,, vanilla's fans saw this movie and enjoyed it as i, i was 10 years old,,, i you enjoyed it once you ll enjoy it 4 ever so guys lets be more honest and dont be ashame cause vanilla ice is melted now lol

theres more than flesh and blood beneath this cloak, there's an idea and ideas are bulletproof. V
