Filmed at my house

So I was watching The Surreal Life and Vanilla Ice was on it so I decided to see what was up with the movie.

When I was 5, they filmed part of it at my house. I still have never seen the movie just because I've never been able to find it. My cousin's have however. So I don't know how much of our house was actually shown. But I remember "helping" (and I say "helping becuase how much help could a 5 year old be?) the workers build all the nonsense to put on our house. And it really was nonsense. A map on the roof, globes all around the yard like a fence, about 5 doors up the walkway, stairs leading to the roof. And all wild colors. I met Vanilla Ice but I don't really remember that part. I remember him riding his bike all around the street.

Well, yeah that's my story. I hear the movie sucks, but I'd still like to see it! Haha!


Oh my God!!! that is sooo rad!!! I was in love with that movie when i was like twelve, i watched it enough to memorize every song he sang in it, and to this day can still sing them. tee he hee. I totally remember that house with all that crazy wack stuff on it, the map, globes, and colors. I can't believe you haven't seen the movie, especially since it was YOUR HOUSE. You NEED to watch it. It's super corny, but where would we all be without Vanilla Ice? He was the best!!!!!


no *beep* WAY. that house was the bomb. i want it.


YOU MET VANILLA ICE! You are kings among men.

"You were expecting the Adams Family?"


Oh My God! I totally hate you! I love Vanilla Ice! You are super lucky! I so remember that house..the old couple that lived there and the wallpaper on the inside of the kitchen that looked like newspaper and the oversized salt and pepper shakers! I want to find that movie soooo bad! A girl in high school ran off with my copy!I know it was a cheesy movie...but boy Vanilla Ice sure looked sexy! I would have given anything to be the girl in that movie!!!! If anyone knows where I can get this movie for God sakes let me know!



That's a sweet freakin story. I'm jealous for sure. I'm the ULTIMATE Cool as Ice fan. I used to watch it DAILY. Not kidding. For about three years straight. My bro would bring it home for me any night it wasn't rented (he used to work at a video store) and I'd sit there mesmorized for the rest of the night. I still have the soundtrack cd in my car. I was jealous of Kat. Because she got Ice and is a horrid horseback rider (I ride horses) and he fell for her and not for me (although I was SIX when this movie came out! lol)


Where was your house, generally speaking?

