MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > THIS *NEEDS* TO BE ON DVD ALREADY!


i am about to break down and buy a bootleg already, but i
shouldn't have to do that.. with all of the horrible movies
that are issued on dvd weekly, you would think that universal
could find the time and money to put together a decent dvd of
this movie. sure, it bombed in the theater, but as those of
us who love it know, it has achieved quite a cult following
over the years. they should embrace the unintentional comedy
of the film, as the makers of showgirls have done. it is
ridiculous for this not to be available on dvd yet!

i started this petition a while back, and i even forwarded it
to universal. but they don't seem to care so far. however,
if you haven't signed it already, please do so. maybe if we
get enough signatures, it will actually make a difference.

if anybody else has any ideas on how to get the ball rolling
(in my 5.0) on this project, please post them. word.


I really do think they'd actually sell a LOT more copies than they'd expect to. But probably not enough to break even lol


I'll get a group of chronic inhalant abusers to come over to your house and do a puppet show based on the film. Or a mime version. Either way, it should be about the same experience.


i had the fortune of watching this movie lately.all i can say is that its possibly the best movie ive ever seen,no joke
you must do anything to get this movie,even if its getting a bootleg copy,or ordering 1 from thailand,or downloading it
its worth it,totally worth it,maybe this small clip will help
its from the movie


I'm so glad you just posted that. Now I can spread my Vanilla Ice love with the world with a small clip :)

I think a friend of mine bought it to suprise me. I'm not 100% sure but he said tomorrow I'm going to be the happiest girl alive and I should know what it is that he bought me if I thought about it enough.

Everyone who knows me knows nothing would make me happerier. I shall update after I return from spring break :)


Just so you know me and my friends bought the Taiwan bootleg and it was really good quality. Aside from smelling like Taiwan (cheap plastic), there weren't any glitches or anything. I wish that there were more special features, but what can you do? Any Cool as Ice action was appreciated.

-Looky Looky in Kat's Black Booky-


where did you get it? i just don't really want to pay somebody for a burned dvd. but since universal isn't in a hurry to produce a real dvd here, i would consider buying a manufactured bootleg.


I've never seen the movie but I want too after reading the reviews. Sounds like it's one of those "so bad it's good" movies. I'm really surprised Universal hasn't put this out yet...but I think they will soon. I mean have you SEEN some of the lousy movies out on DVD??? So, hopefully we'll see this someday.


i want look vanila movie . i dont know how too see , i m from romania i dont writhe good english


Here's another clip from the movie. No reference to DVD edition whatsoever, yet worth watching just for the fun of it



As much as I hate to say it, but I think this is one movie that will never get released on DVD. Then again, Gymkata is comming out on DVD in January, so there *might* be some hope....
