MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Alright kids, not gonna lie....

Alright kids, not gonna lie....

I'm a fan. Obsesed fan. I can't get enough of this movie. I've racked up enough in late fees over the years renting it that I could have bought HUNDREDS of copies of it. Pathetic I know. I have a tribute to it on my MySpace. It's my test of every guy I've dated -- if they can't sit through this movie and at least PRETEND to like it, I have some reevaluating to do...

My goal in life was to meet V. Ice and thank him. Among other things I've wanted to do to him since I'd hit puberty. But now I realize I think if I'd ever met him he'd hate me because all I would do is talk about how much I *beep* LOVE THIS MOVIE. :)


I love the guys who always make sarcastic comments about diff things where would i be without u guys lol.



A film has never been so eloquently expressed as in this classic of modern cinema, this giant amongst movies, the paragon of intelligence, fortitude, and decency. To call this movie a triumph is like calling Shakespeare mildly successful. Every move it attempts, it pulls off. A cinematic masterpiece. Bravo!!



hey girl, you really should drop that zero and get with the hero :)
Where is it on myspace? I'm also on myspace. Is there a way you could send me this movie, I haven't seen it in ages!!!


well the movie itself isn't on my myspace lol I WISH!!! but i do have the movie poster listed under "people i'd like to meet" :)


I know it's not on myspace :) no seriously, is there a way we could get in touch for you to send me this movie?


If I had a copy of it I'd send it to you. My boyfriend found it at half priced books YEARS ago (like he actually owned it before I even met him. We've watched it twice this week so far. It's both of our favorite movies. I think I'd marry the kid based on that fact alone haha) but refuses to make me a copy of it because he says it's the only way he can guarentee that I'll still hang out with him LoL

BUT -- I can make a copy of the soundtrack, I do own that :)


Oh man, I'm in love




Talk about destiny... Too bad for the copy though.
You probably should marry him :-)



"Among other things I've wanted to do to him since I'd hit puberty."

Drop that zero and get wit da hero.
