Homeboy this

Cool as Ice is without a doubt the most quotable and most unintentionally funny movie ever made. It deserves a special place in film history for this reason and many others. Its brilliance is simply too intense for words. It's a shame that Vanilla Ice wasn't featured in more movies, our only hope is a DVD release will include a crapload of extras for all of the COI fans out there.


Yeah, i agree all the way, man. I just got done watchin' the movie. That was classic crap! My face still hurts from all the laughin'.


Drop that zero and get with the hero!


I don't make a lot of money, usually I am flat broke most of the time. I think I need a special cool as ice fund so that if they ever release it on dvd, I can buy it at the drop of a hat. "wackhead was playin' baseball with my homeboy's bike" simply amazing


look on ebay and you can find it also in canada where vanilla ice is still cool


Totally agree with all you guys. Watched this film while very drunk with my best mate years ago. Have never laughed as much watching a film. Nearly died with laughter when he said that "walkin' across the road, swinging ma schlong" line. Priceless.


This Movie Was So Cool Man, I Think It Should Have Been Up For An Oscar, Or At Least A Nomination...Vanilla Ice Is God! ...

Sarcasm is funny.



It might just be when VI looks over at Cat while riding his motorcycle while she's riding her horse, and then he mysteriously is able to jump over the five foot fence without help from a ramp or anything. Classic filmmaking and even better acting. I think I rewound that scene about 20 times after I first saw it and laughed equally as hard each time. Good Work, VI. I do indeed hope this surfaces on DVD with at least a commentary by Mr. Van Winkle himself. Maybe he'll bust a freestyle or two just for fun.


So good to see not to be alone in praising this film! All the colours have been digitally enhanced to an almost fluorescent extend in which VI's bright orange jacket appears to be glowing... (it is even better when you mess with the colour settings on your tv) Magical! My bro and I do still quote regularly from this film which is full of witty one-liners. This is a classic in my book; one of the best films ever made!


Wow, I had watched this movie a few years ago and had forgotten how laughably bad it was until I read this post. I only remembered how painful it was to watch, but I forgot about all those classic one-liners. The only one I remembered; "I'm gonna G-O go."


"Drop the zero, and get with the hero."

"Lookie, lookie what's in Cat's little black bookie."



Yeah this is oneofthe greatest movies of alltime. They should make a DVD with vanilla ICedoing the commentary.
