in the closet fans..

vanilla ice probably has more fans that are 'in the closet' then fans who admit they are fans of this guy or hate him, ice ice baby was a catchy my opinion the only reason he was a one hit wonder, is because the black community didn't want to accept him...everytime you turned around some black guy was putting in a cheap shot on him...and even to this day we rarely have any white rappers out there..and the ones we do..well it's a new year and I think people are starting to accept changes.

personally If you didn't like this movie then you probably wasn't a fan of vanllia ice..


Hidden fans of Vanilla ice? Yes, we call those people "morons." : ) Be ashamed, be very ashamed. Sure, "Ice Ice Baby" was catchy, just like McDonalds advertising jingles and Alka Seltzer's "Plop,plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is."
