MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > come on, it wasn't that bad

come on, it wasn't that bad

well... ok, it was pretty bad, but in that good way. If you can remember when "Ice Ice Baby" came out (and you do not have to of ever liked it, I didn't) you still get this fuzzy nostalgic feeling when you watch this movie. Also, everyone thought the bikes were cool when this movie came out, and if you let yourself reflect on those good times, you'll remember that you wanted one too.




It was bad, but I enjoyed it none the less! Vanilla is pretty cool and Kristin Minter looks hot!



I remember watching this when I was ill off school about 6 years ago. I can still remember bits of it so it must have had an impression on me. Ok, it wasn't amazing but it wasn't the worst film ever.



This is my favorite bad movie.


I always thought it was a pretty good film!!! Great when I was 17/18 and still funny now when it gets rerun!!
