Scared the hell out of me

Man, I loved this when I was a kid. I was a big Ernest fan. This movie made me laugh my ass off, but it was also pretty scary. Huge trolls running around, turning kids into wood and so on. Good scary stuff. I haven't watched this since I was a kid and I don't have the heart to watch it now that I'm an adult. I'd really hate to ruin my memories of it.

Unlike 3 Ninjas, which I can now look back on and realize was a pile of crap. Hindsight is always 20/20.

"You're just jealous because I'm a genuine freak and you have to wear a mask!"


Yeah, I was only 5 when this came out and I remember being practically traumatized by the troll in this but the part that used to scare me the most was the part with the little girl in her room, when she looks under her bed...

I used to be terrified that that troll was under my bed...

Haha, I just watched the movie again last night, almost 16 years later...and it still made me laugh!


Peace & Love,




Come on, man, 3 Ninjas is an absolute classic! I'm 23 now and everytime I stumble across across it on TV, I get a warm fuzzy feeling. I'd actually buy it on DVD if I could find it, just for posterity.

"Give me but one firm place on which to stand and I shall move the Earth." - ARCHIMEDES


I don't know, dude. My parents had to suffer through that sh_t and I've always felt a little guilty about it.

"You're just jealous because I'm a genuine freak and you have to wear a mask!"


I went to see this when I was 5 or 6 in theaters and I made my mom take me out because I thought the trolls were too scary. I was such a pansy.


if you ever get my family talking about embarrassing grow up moments, this will be mentioned without a doubt. i was in like first grade, and i saw it and couldnt sleep for a week. i wouldnt go to the bathroom alone, and i brushed my teeth and hair in the kitchen... i cried and cried. this movie is terrifying!!! at least it was to me as a small child...


Yes, this is in the top 5 movies that scared me as a child. I was born in 87 so I was 4 when it came out, the troll under the bed.. the scary tree, the troll sounding like a girl to get the kid to come to it.. ugh.. :(

I have not seen it in a decade..


This scared the hell out of me and my friend. She's two years older than I am and was three when it came out, but she saw it when she was about four and wouldn't sleep by herself for a year. I remember watching it around Halloween and it played on Disney and I had nightmares about it. That troll thing was *beep* creepy.


Haha, while we're all sharing like some kind of group therapy, this movie scared the crap out of me when I was little. I remember reoccuring nightmares for months about that friggin' troll stalking me in my house. I even slept with my bed against the wall (remembering the scene mentioned earlier where it was under her bed), and always slept with my back pressed against the wall, just so I could keep an eye on the rest of my room, because that thing sure as hell was NOT going to be laying next to me when I roll over :-P

And I was usually pretty stoic as a kid. Most horror movies couldn't phase me... but this and "Arachnophobia" single handedly traumatized me.

Good times!


Yeah, I was at least 10 years old when this came out and it messed me up pretty good.


Definitely scared the pants off of me. Multiple people have told me the scene with the girl looking under the bed traumatized them.


OMG me too! I thought I was the only one. I was five when I first saw it. The scene in the bedroom sent me crying out of the theater. I continued to be scared of it, and the very similar Troll, for years. That makeup hit such a deep primal chord, so very frightening.

- Jill


I was five when my babysitter rented this for my sister and her friends to watch (my sister was eight).

I was told I was too small to watch the movie so I had to sit in the other room and play Super Mario. Of course I snuck into the room just as troll creature started mimicking people's voices and turning the kids into wood.

I freaked out and nightmares for years about the *beep* troll. Took me a long time not to be afraid of that thing. I thought I was the only person I knew who was scared by this movie.

"Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton."


GREAT sig quote btw caruso! still the best batman movie.

i never saw 3 ninjas as a kid, though i heard of it. but i just recently bought this movie on dvd finally, and im happy to say its even FUNNIER then whatg i remembered. now io get alot of the jokes. TEA FOR TWO, TWO FOR TEE! hahahaha!


well those were scary for a kids movie and one of my friens was scared of how the troll was under Elizabeth's bed and then sitting next to her.


Yep I first saw this when I was 8 it really freaked me out the scenes that scared me most was when the boy with glasses gets left behind then he hears Ernest's voice then he turns around to see the troll who turns him into wood, when the girl is grabbed after finding the troll lying next her in bed, and when the troll is mimicking the girl's voice to try and lure Kenny to him, I had a conversation at work about this movie and one of my coworkers said it scared him so much he drank extra milk and looked under his bed every night for years.


First off I disagree with the op about the 3 ninjas remark. Back to this movie, yes it did have some creepy moments for example, most people are saying they were scared when Elizabeth looked under her bed, umm that wasn't the creepy part but it was about 2 seconds later in the scene when Trantor is lying right next to her yikes. All in all I mostly found this movie funny especially the scenes when Trantor is battling it out with Ernest. This movie is also sad at times like when Trantor turns Rimshot into the doll or that scene at the very end when Ernest emotionally says "there's nothin in that tree for me".
