tulip brothers

How come the tulip brothers sold Ernest the troll weapons?


Because they saw that Ernest wasn't the smartest person, and he would buy all that useless stuff.

Who are you?! I'm the Doctor!! Not 'who' am I, but when.


so where they con artists???? and how was the stuff useless. When ERnest came to old lady hackmore's place dressed w manchinery and gear giving a speech "You see before you the state-of-the-art troll-fighter of tomorrow. This multi-directional unitized high-tech fighting machine is toll-free, mucus-free and comes equipped with fifteenmillion megabytes of double-density wayfer-thin alloy forming a virtual reality of modern troll extermination. Need I say more? Why does LAdy HAckmore glance at him and continue reading her book?


I wouldn't call them con artists. I would more compare them to used car salesmen. They know the junk they are selling is useless, because honestly, who thinks there are really trolls. Old Lady Hackmore glances at him like that, because she knows his is stupid and the stuff he has is useless. Ernest even uses the troll away spray on Trantor during the pickup fight scene, and it doesn't do anything.

If you notice throughout the movie, Tom and Bobby are always trying to make money, whether it is selling that troll junk to Ernest, selling that food at the costume contest, or when they are taking the pictures of the trolls.

Who are you?! I'm the Doctor!! Not 'who' am I, but when.


I can tell they always wanted to make money, I felt bad when they lost the film they took of the battle w the trolls as it was their ticket to fame!

Oh ya I Remember Ernest using the troll away spray didnt work.

Wow Old Lady HAckmore didnt seem impressed, but I mean she should feel Ernest is making an effort.
