MovieChat Forums > Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) Discussion > Did this movie scare the crap out of any...

Did this movie scare the crap out of anyone else???

Saw this as a kid and the scene where the troll is under that girls bed has scarred me for life. I now (10 years later) must sleep with the bed against the wall whilst facing the other way. Scary Stuff


It did when I was a kid (especially that montage in the beginning of all those old horror flicks) it's just corny.


I remember I saw this when I was probably about 5 or 6.
We got the movie in a comp - we were meant to get Fern Gully but istead recieved this movie (thank god).
It scared me when I watched it and it still scares me now.
The open credits frightenned me and as too the part where Elizabeth is on the bed and she rolls over and he's there. and a ton of other parts.
I found the chase where the troll runs through the gates funny, but even now (I'm 17) it horrorfies me.

* Chinese, Japanese, Dirtyknees, look at these ( * ) ( * ) - Baby, TDR.


That troll is really on the frightening side...especially when he emulates childrens voices.


Oh I know!

I mean I'm a massive fan of horror, I can sit through anything and sleep easy at night. And not have the need to check my under my bed and in the closet, But everytime I watch that film I freak out!

- It's good to be spanked, but it's better to be KANE'd.


Yeah, it terrified me as a kid. In fact, I don't think I've ever watched it since then.


They really must have tried hard to make the creepiest troll of all time....nightmarish to say the least. But on the plus side, he did turn children into wooden dolls, which is rather humorous.



Yeah, I saw this on video and i had to have been maybe 4 or 5 and yeah this movie scared the crap outa me. Havnt seen it recently though, since we have in in VHS im sure its buried in a closet somewhere.


Haha! I probably saw this when I was 4 and no it did not scare me. It's a comedy. Not supposed to be scary. But it's definetly to this day one of my favourite all-time movies.




Whenever it would scare me, I would always tell myself that if I ever came across one, I could poke it between the eyes, just like Ernest did. That being said, this movie was freakin scary when I was younger.


the only part that really got me was when the girl turned over on her bed and the troll was laying there. to this day i still sleep with my bed long ways up against a wall. lucky my dog stays in my room with me too so that if there really was one, he'd eat him. :-P


i saw this movie in theaters when i was in kindergarden. i thought since it was an ernest movie it would be funny. i was way wrong. this movie traumatized me and gave me nightmares thorughout my childhood. to this day, if i hear the opening song or hear the troll's voice i get chills.


I just remembered this movie! I can hardly remember anything from it, but i DO remember how freakin' scared I was by that goddam troll when I was a kid.

Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything


Yup! I remember being scared of this as a kid. That troll was freaky!!


me 2 ... i want to see this movie again... ahh!!


this movie was the scariest movie i ever saw in my life... i guess it has to do with the fact that i was 6 when i saw it. but now when i try to recall the movie from my memory, it is like some drug trip hallucination. i mean, i'm sure that impression will fade if i see it again, but at this point it's like i recall it actually being real haha. like really dancing with the troll. SCARY *beep* MAN
