MovieChat Forums > Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Discussion > Anyone see this in theatres back in '91?

Anyone see this in theatres back in '91?

what was it like? I think most people agree part 5 was a pretty poor movie. The title Freddy's Dead would have intrigued many people as this movie did pretty well at the box office.


I did, I kept my 3d glasses for a long time, but dunno what became of them.

I saw 4 5 and 6 in theaters.

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I had to see it in theaters cause I was a big Freddy fan and it was to be the last Nightmare film, plus the 3D seemed like a cool idea.


I was there opening night and saw the theatrical print, when it was still 100 minutes long. The crowd I saw it with LOVED it. Cheers and laughs all over the place. I can still hear them. It was a fantastic moviegoing experience.

A lot of people bitch about the 3-D, but it looked amazing to me. When Maggie goes into Freddy's head, his brain looked so expansive and engulfing. And when the dream demons flew at me, it caused me to jerk back. I didn't expect it to look like it was was REALLY in front of me like that. And Freddy's head flying at he screen at the end... oh man.

So, so much fun. I really wish they had left it at its original length, though.


My sister and her boyfriend took me when I was 11 and I had grown up watching all the other movies.

I was really young so I loved the movie and thought it was amazing, it was also the first time I ever got to see a Freddy movie in a theater since I was too young to see the other ones when they came out.

I loved the 3D section also, I didn't realize it was only the last ten minutes so I wore my glasses the entire movie.

It was a great experience though. I think that next time I was that excited about going to the movies was when I was 23 and Freddy Vs. Jason came out, I also loved that and still don't get all the hate.


I saw the movie at 11 too and I loved it just as well. I guess when you're 11 you're not too particular about movie quality. I find that when I really liked something as a kid, I find that I still have a soft spot for it even though my adult mind recognizes it for being a little half-baked :) I don't know why folks dislike it as much as they do though. It just ain't that bad for a 90's horror flick.

I wore my glasses through the whole movie too. ha! Until the dream demons charged at me; then I snatched them off quick and didn't have the nerve to put them back on.

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Saw it with my uncle on Saturday of that opening weekend, it was packed. I was 9 at the time and thought it was cool, wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be. I remember it was a big deal at the time of release, especially back in elementary the weekend after it came out because that's all everyone wanted to talk about since it was 'The Final' installment, lol

We watched TMNT 2: Secret of the ooze the very next day LOL!

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I did. It was a fun, campy movie that didn't take itself too seriously. You can really tell Englund had a great time with this portrayal. I just wish the home video version of the movie still included the FreddyVision at the end. :(

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if you want a mind splitting headache, get the DVD from the 1999 box set. it included the 3D version, they even gave you glasses with the collection. though of course its the red and blue glasses which like i said, explode your brain with pain. lol


if you want a mind splitting headache, get the DVD from the 1999 box set. it included the 3D version, they even gave you glasses with the collection. though of course its the red and blue glasses which like i said, explode your brain with pain. lol

I saw this in the theaters when it came out and got a bad headache from the 3D parts. I've seen other 3D movies before and after but for some reason this one was painful.

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I did! I was 8 at the time and went to see it with my friends, (minors can go into movie theaters without adult supervision in Spain) and we had a blast. I remember it vividly which is why this became my favorite nightmare ever. I remember it as one of my greatest movie experiences, going without parent supervision, the 3D and everything. It was pretty amazing. I got a rental copy from the uk that includes Freddy Vsion and play it every year or so, it still holds. I love it.


I would have been 13 or 14 in 1991 and would have to Depend when this movie was Released in 91, and not sure the Movies allowed Teens at that time, in their early teens to see this in the theatre.

It would not have mattered anyway, as my family or Dad or Mom would never have taken me to see any NOES Movies. Love them dearly, but Overly conservative to the core. So my age would not have mattered. Not that they would have been able to deny me the chance had I had my own car and moved out, but it is what it is.

The 1st time I saw this was in '91, was either on HBO or one of the Sci-Fi channels, and just could have been on one of the Movie network channels. It was Ok when I first saw it, for its time, but truth be told, Ive got this one right down there just above NOES 5 from being the Worst.

I have NOES 2 just above FREDDY's DEAD, and Original NOES above all the rest, with #4 right after it.


I'm too lazy to check but I'm pretty sure this was a late summer/early fall release. I too was 14 and saw this back during it's original run. Despite 5 being pretty crappy, it was still a Freddy movie and I was definitely excited. I'd seen all the other films in the theater and New Line had done a great job of building excitement. Between it being the "final" installment and in 3-D, audiences were ready to give the series one more go.

I remember enjoying the film, but still being disappointed that it didn't even attempt to take itself seriously. And despite enjoying the thrill of the theater experience, I ultimately thought it too was crap. Of course by that point it had been too many years and too many crap films to go the serious route, but I still hoped for something closer to the first film.


Yep. I was 10. It was awesome watching it with the 3D glasses.

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