Rachel Talalay sucks

All I remember about this crap was the last scene, which was absolute atrocious; Lisa Zane walks out, smiling, and says "Freddy's dead!" like she's saying, "it's a beautiful day outside." It was shot on a very cheap-looking set, with a handheld camera, too, which added to the amateur look to it all, and then it just abruptly ended. Crap.

Rachel Talalay is an awful director.


Actually Rachel Talalay was against the 3-D thing for the most part, I think she was more interested in creating a good story than having the "limited" 3-D effects, I dunno who's idea it was for allthe 3-D stuff.

She ultimatly said that that she was not impressed with Freddy being stabbed with his own glove, BUT doing the 3-D that's about all they could come up with, with the limited effects.

You should read the original script for Freddy's Dead if you wanna see more what Rachel WANTED to do.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


I didn't say anything about the 3D effects, or Freddy getting stabbed with his own glove.

I referred to her amateurish style, and her crap direction. To be fair, the opening sequence, on the plane, was well done, but the movie was downhill from there. She's not a good director.


"You should read the original script for Freddy's Dead if you wanna see more what Rachel WANTED to do."

You mean the one with the Dream Police?



Actually, I think she says it more like she's Groucho Marx.


I agree, she's an awful director. I remember seeing Ghost in the Machine long ago, having some expectations and all, but it turned out to be a bucketload of crap. And for that reason I've always delayed watching Freddy 6, which I have finally done tonight. And yes, this time, sadly, expectations were met...

1up-games.com Last watched: imdb.to/K4tvL9


What the second poster is getting at is that her hands were pretty much tied creatively when it was decided the finale would be in 3D.

She wanted very much to do something cool and interesting but was instead preoccupied with making the 3D work thus it hurt her vision greatly.

It's not her fault, the rest of the film, IMO at least, is interesting and shows that she wasn't completely talentless.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."



My question to silat1981, did you have this big a problem with "New Nightmare" as well? That one had absolutely zero teenagers in it, but is far technically superior to films like Nightmare 2, 5 and 6.

I guess I'm just trying to say that you don't need teens in a horror movie for it to be good. Some of the best horror movies I've ever seen focus on people in their 40s/50s (italian horror films).



Julie...did not look like a teenager to me.

She looked at least 25 or so.


Yeah I really wish they would've given this one to Peter Jackson even though his idea sounded kind of dumb too.


The directing and the direction this film went in is awful.
