Only 10 minutes of 3D?

I saw this in the theater when I was a kid and I remember the big deal they made about the 3D at the time. But I had forgot how little 3D time they used, after just watching it again. And of course it made no sense why Maggie had to wear the glasses anyway. Just a cheap gimmick for such a lousy, turd of a sequel!


It's more like 20 or 15 minutes of 3-D. I timed it just the other day.

In the longer theatrical version of the movie, there was a whole reason for the 3-D glasses. Doc was trying to use them in some manner to help the kids see things differently through their dreams. This is why Maggie uses them in the end to better battle Freddy in the dream world.

This explanation, like so many other things, was removed when the movie was released on home video in a truncated form.


That sounds right to me, 15 to 20 minutes. Incidently, I just found my 3-D glasses from the movie. I don't know what box they were in. I was moving things and stuff was all over the floor and there they were. I very good shape, too.
